Novartis Stock should be around $28


Investors are going to be in for an EPIC loss. Nothing in the current enviroment supports the present stock price & Vasella knows this which is why he dumped a huge amount of shares & other high level execs executed huge options several months earlier.
As soon as the institutional investors finally grasp the magnitude of novartis failed drugs , the patent cliff & shuttered plants they will bail & the price will collapse.


Investors are going to be in for an EPIC loss. Nothing in the current enviroment supports the present stock price & Vasella knows this which is why he dumped a huge amount of shares & other high level execs executed huge options several months earlier.
As soon as the institutional investors finally grasp the magnitude of novartis failed drugs , the patent cliff & shuttered plants they will bail & the price will collapse.

You obviously don't know much about economics or finance. Investors already know about the pipeline being weak. Now Novartis is reducing costs = more profitability to show investors. One reason for layoffs think they have layoffs, partially to please the investors. The other reason is that Novartis screws up managing most products

Novartis has more than $50 BILLION in sales yearly. What is happening here is just a drop in the bucket. Investors know this and is priced into the current price of the stock.

Novartis has more than $50 BILLION in sales yearly. What is happening here is just a drop in the bucket. Investors know this and is priced into the current price of the stock.

Did you subtract the loss of Diovan , Exforge , Reclast , Gleevec , Tekturna , Valturna
Patch among others plus recall Excedrin, NoDoz, Bufferin and Gas-X ?

Oh & throw in restructuring costs & pending lawsuits from patients , employees & consumers .

50 Billion = obama math

Follow the money. The money says "Buy!"

Now I say "Bye to you."

You must be another drain on the company.

Apparently the BIG $ sez buh bye NVS crap stock !

Jan 12, 2012 5:12 AM ET

Novartis AG (NOVN) board member Pierre Landolt sold 1.41 million shares in the Basel, Switzerland-based drugmaker, Bilanz reported today, disputing a report that it was the chairman and citing a person familiar with the transaction.

A report in Blick on Dec. 21 said Novartis Chairman Daniel Vasella sold shares worth 73.2 million francs ($77 million).

Eric Althoff, a spokesman for Novartis, didn’t immediately return a call and e-mail today seeking comment.

I notified the New York Stock Exchange that you will be gone soon. That's the reason the stock has been rising today.

Enjoy your new janitorial job (if you qualify).

Novartis stock is valued at $132 Billion. All you're talking about is chump-change in the short term.

Did you subtract the loss of Diovan , Exforge , Reclast , Gleevec , Tekturna , Valturna
Patch among others plus recall Excedrin, NoDoz, Bufferin and Gas-X ?

Oh & throw in restructuring costs & pending lawsuits from patients , employees & consumers .

50 Billion = obama math

Did you realize that NVS has its own generic pipeline and will continue to make money off both the brand and generic versions of many of these drugs - and the generic versions don't need reps promoting them....

Check out Seeking Alpha from a few days ago (I think you can link to it from the NVS page on He touts a value in the mid 80's - not sure I believe that high, but this company is still one of the largest and best capitalized with a solid dividend.

Did you realize that NVS has its own generic pipeline and will continue to make money off both the brand and generic versions of many of these drugs - and the generic versions don't need reps promoting them....

Did you realize you need well staffed roach & rat feces free quality manufactering plants
that doesn't get cited by the FDA numerous times in order to produce these generics ?

Then again this is what novartis is , a second rate generics mfg. They don't deserve to be in branded meds. That's the purview of genuine 1st rate drug companies.

Now stop shilling for this dinosaur you are embarrassing yourself

Did you realize you need well staffed roach & rat feces free quality manufactering plants
that doesn't get cited by the FDA numerous times in order to produce these generics ?

Then again this is what novartis is , a second rate generics mfg. They don't deserve to be in branded meds. That's the purview of genuine 1st rate drug companies.

Now stop shilling for this dinosaur you are embarrassing yourself

Really? That is so miniscule to the overall big picture - it barely ripples the water. This is MAJOR corporation stuff, not your local McDonalds. Did the gas pedal flap take down Toyota? The Volt fire hazard do in GM? Airbags and Ford?

Wake up and smell the coffee....the train ain't stopping at your station.

BTW, I left NVS a few years ago and am now a successful financial advisor. I have made my clients (and myself) a very nice return trading NVS and other pharma stocks.

Who's bashing? I'm supporting NVS value - just as I would tell a client to look beyond the headlines and things he reads on the blogs and pay attention to the core financials and business model. Bad press typically provides me with one thing - an opportunity to buy stocks I like cheaper....

Really? That is so miniscule to the overall big picture - it barely ripples the water. This is MAJOR corporation stuff, not your local McDonalds. Did the gas pedal flap take down Toyota? The Volt fire hazard do in GM? Airbags and Ford?

Hmmm bankrupt GM that (Beyond the bailout) took about 3 BILLION in subsidies 2.3 billion fed &+700 million from detroit & developed the $45,000 golf cart called the volt
which has sold 7000 units in 2 years ! Spontaneously bursts into flames.

Do you have a clue how much market share toyota has lost ?
They were at 24% & down to 16% . A THIRD of their business vanished
& these are your benchmarks for NVS ?

GM would be DOA with out the govt handout monopoly $$$

Novartis train is off the tracks & headed for a cliff .
Even helen keller sees it !
everyone but you ...the advisor !! :)


To the OP:

I wish you well at your new job. Can you say "Would you like a lottery ticket with your gas?"

I just don't think they'll let you stay on the internet all day like you do in your current job. You just might have to work without complaining.