Novartis still the best place to work ?


If I see one more article about this being a great place to work I will vomit. Yes we will give you great benefits help adopt a baby. Then we will fire your ass 2 days before Christmas why because we care about you. Leadership is nothing more then pond scum. We all have been warned this could be us next year time to get out.


Good luck!

The problem is you are every bit as money grubbing as the people in charge of you and your job. They will fire you for personal gain as fast as you will quit and walk away for monetary gain. And you say, like a little whiny wimp, "It's not fair!"

Just like your moronic regional managers say. All of you are the same. Kiss the right ass and you get to keep your highly paid worthless jobs and you can continue to complain about how you're not satisfied, but the money's good.

Even when the pharma. industry was more stable in the late 1990s/early 2000s, the joke around the industry was that Novartis and Forest where the 2 biggest piece of shit companies to work for. Now, all the other companies are in the mix. Either way, you have to be nuts to not have a backup plan or to not downsize now when things are going good.

Lesson: don't trust these companies and assume the worst if you work for them...this is especially true if they are telling you things are fine.

I also love how the company always brags about being one of the most diverse companies to work for according to Diversity Inc magazine. But it shouldn't surprise you that Novartis is one of the top donors to Diversity Inc?????

More liberal progresssive BS! The diversity crap is old and tired. It seems that NVS has a clear track record of hiring/promoting people due their race/gender not experience. I saw this first had when my DM was a "wetback" with no Hem/Onc sales or experience. She was clueless and a joke. Most of my MD's didn't what her in their offices as they saw what a fraud she was.

This is why NVS will always be NVS and could F up a wet dream!