NOVARTIS Screws up Arcapta (COPD)

Boned Again


UDPATE 1-U.S. FDA approves low dose of Novartis lung drug

* Approves 75 mcg dose of Arcapta Neohaler

* Novartis hoped for 150 mcg dose approval

WASHINGTON, July 1 (Reuters) - U.S. health regulators on Friday approved a new lung medicine by Novartis (NOVN.VX), but in a lower dose, creating a roadbump for the Swiss drugmaker in its development of a potentially lucrative new drug.

In line with its advisory panel's vote in March, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a 75 mcg dose of Arcapta Neohaler, an inhalation powder indacaterol for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is also known as smoker's cough and is the third-leading killer of Americans.

Indacaterol is a once-a-day, long-acting beta agonist, or LABA, a type of drug used to open airways in patients with asthma or COPD. Other LABAs are taken twice a day.

Novartis and Glaxo are racing to sell a two-in-one medicine that combines a LABA with long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) to produce a more effective, convenient therapy.

For Novartis to develop such drug, it needed approval for a higher 150 mcg dose of Arcapta Neohaler, which is sold as a a single therapy in Europe under the brand name Onbrez Breezhaler and had revenue of $33 million in 2010.

The 150 microgram dose of Arcapta Neohaler failed to win support from a U.S. advisory panel earlier this year as it urged Food and Drug Administration approval of a 75 microgram dose of the inhaled drug, unconvinced that the higher dose provided any additional benefit.

Dumbass!!!!! Novartis did nothing wrong with Arcapta, it's all the FDA being gun shy in the US with LABAs use in asthma... You guys are so unbelievable. Anything that does not go exactly your way, it's Novartis fault. Please quit your job.

Do you been know what dose indacaterol will be in the combination inhaler, which will be the workhorse of the COPD market? It won't be either the 75 or 150 so this really does not matter. Good God you guys are the dumbest SOBs....just please go away.

Dumbass!!!!! Novartis did nothing wrong with Arcapta, it's all the FDA being gun shy in the US with LABAs use in asthma... You guys are so unbelievable. Anything that does not go exactly your way, it's Novartis fault. Please quit your job.

Do you been know what dose indacaterol will be in the combination inhaler, which will be the workhorse of the COPD market? It won't be either the 75 or 150 so this really does not matter. Good God you guys are the dumbest SOBs....just please go away.

COPD drugs only work for a few years. The patients end up dying with this disease within
3-6 years. They end up with "comfort care", (leaving it in GOD's hands), or on a trach until they expire. It's not a pretty sight.

Dumbass!!!!! Novartis did nothing wrong with Arcapta, it's all the FDA being gun shy in the US with LABAs use in asthma... You guys are so unbelievable. Anything that does not go exactly your way, it's Novartis fault. Please quit your job.

Whatsamatta corporate stooge ? Pressure gettn to ya ?
Way to keep the novartick dud flop dog streak goin !

COPD drugs only work for a few years. The patients end up dying with this disease within
3-6 years. They end up with "comfort care", (leaving it in GOD's hands), or on a trach until they expire. It's not a pretty sight.

All the people walking around on COPD drugs and O2 for 15 years or more will be interested to learn that they're already dead.

of course it matters, I'm wondering what we'll be dealing with in primary setting? There's been no communication as to whose responsibility it will be... I can't imagine this will be so highly specialized that only the pulmonologists / allergists will be hit, certainly has some, even if limited place in primary care setting, no?