Novartis Rated #1

That is looking in from the outside. Too bad they do not treat the people who work for them as #1.

Y R right. From the outside and for the outsiders this Co looks and projects great as #1 for sure. But this only means that these low life fuckers are able to hide their true self and are artists in BSing anyone they want. The only ones who were able to do such con job were the communists. Russian for instance BSed the world for decades as to their great military power etc. It was all fake and once they were gone we went in and saw the pathetic side of their so called "great power" status. Same with these Swiss fuckers, once they are exposed there will be nothing there to indicate even number 99th out of hundred, let alone one.
FtF (Fuck the fakes)

Novartis is also rated #1 by Corrupt Corporate Insider Magazine as the company most likely to put a giant sausage up the ass of their employees. No seriously, I read that...I wrote it down and then I read it.