Novartis picks publicis to handle the more than $600 million global media

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Novartis Selects Starcom for Global Media Account

By: Alexandra Bruell
Published: December 19, 2011
Novartis has chosen Publicis Groupe's Starcom as its agency to handle the more than $600 million global media account.

Publicis also does contract reps .....hmmmmmmm
& Boy ya gotta love all those "breakthrough discoveries"
$600 Million in advertising $$$$ provides


just 10% of that "marketing" budget would save all US sales jobs for several years.....How much do you think the rep from Starcom made on that sale?

I'm sure whoever the rep , it is a crony deal with backdoor money returning to the 'executive(s)' that made the decision , if not right into jimenez &/or vasella's pocket for that matter.

Oh & it would save not only all the jobs but all the cuts over the last 2 years
but then again how would the public ever know about "think what's possible" or theraflu or hear some athlete endorsed medical "science" presentation