Novartis Oncology Reps are underpaid!


Dear Novartis, there are many new and established biotechs and pharma that appreciate and value our skills and customer relationships more than you, your loss and my gain.
I have just recently been offered a much higher base salary and a "real chance" to make large Bonuses and Stock Options launching new first in class therapies. Expect more to leave than you planned for in the next year. Good news spreads quickly.


Dear Novartis, there are many new and established biotechs and pharma that appreciate and value our skills and customer relationships more than you, your loss and my gain.
I have just recently been offered a much higher base salary and a "real chance" to make large Bonuses and Stock Options launching new first in class therapies. Expect more to leave than you planned for in the next year. Good news spreads quickly.
So why not say what your “base” is?

You realize you are a commodity don't you? You aren't special regardless what your mommy and daddy told you. IF you think your relationships really mean anything to Novartis you are sorely mistaken. Next in line and don't let the door hit your ass on your way out.

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