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Novartis: Is lying and contract breach normal here?


I have a question for the Forum. I am a Provider of Novartis and have a contract with them. From the beginning of the relationship with them I have experienced lies and how they treat my colleagues has been inhuman. They also breached the contract several times and did illegal things with the Company I work for. It has been shocking for me to see that. I am looking for Providers or People who have the same experience and can share it here. I feel the neccessity to understand if this is "normal" to do illegal things when you are as big as Novartis and how they say: What we do is the law. I am still stunned that this is supposed to work out for them. But now they just stopped paying us and I only know that we are in a lawsuit with them now to fight for our right? It is David against Goliath - what is wrong with them? Can anyone share experiences?


Hello, I just read this and can add to it. We are a biotech company and have had investors from the start because we need lots of funding. Novartis has joined at a later stage as an investor and WOW BIG MISTAKE. It was terrible with them. They pressured us on prices, basically tore the company apart, nothing was sustainable, one day a decision was taken like this, the other day the other way around. It almost “killed” the company. With the help of another investor and our board we managed to get Novartis out of our company (long lawsuit – I spare you the details). In the end we paid huge (!!!) amounts of money to them to get them out. It was terrible. NEVER AGAIN NOVARTIS AS AN INVESTOR. Your story of working with contract management sounds exactely like my experience. They care about nothing – no contract, no human behaviour, social responsibility. And I need to say, this is not because they are BIG; it is because their culture and attitude is NOT good. Our investors are all big pharma companies – there are MUCH BETTER ONES regarding culture and sustainability than Novartis. Maybe their EBIT is good but honestly – DON’T EVER MAKE BUSINESS WITH THEM!!!

thank you so much for sharing this with us. Thank you. really. it makes me feel not alone. I really wonder how in a world like switzerland this is possible. i thought that contracts matter? why do you sign one in the end? I know that they never paid what they promised and opend up one lie after another only to get Price reductions by us. they dont care about Quality and always hit on us with another lie they created to not pay us. unbelievable. could you Elaborate a bit on what your lawyers did to protect you. We are a small Business - only 50 People and I think Novartis has star lawyers and I think it is hard for us to fight back to them...

Lying is normal for this company who has an elitist attitude and very poor integrity. Believe nothing they say for sure. I work for them and employment is a contract so to speak as well and they have lied over and over again.

I am a mother of two and i raise my Kids alone. i used to work for Novartis. They fired me around Christmas - to be exact they told me directly before my Christmas vacation - I cant put into words what it was like at home with two Kids, having new year's eve in front of me and knowing i lost my Job. I used their childcare at the Campus - I had to be out with my Kids within 3 (!) weeks. No childcare place, no Job, no nothing. it was so inhumane - i really do not know how to put it in words here. regarding my contract and everything that they had promised years over years, from HR, from my Boss, from who-ever were pure lies. It was not "Novartis" - it was the People in there who made it my worst experience. i was in tears in many situations and they really WOULD NOT CARE. they cut all my social benefits from day one, so I also had to take a lawyer to fight for my right. suddenly then, it went better and I got what I had earned. but it was terrible. maybe i was naive but i had worked for other companies before Novartis and it was different there.

I am a mother of two and i raise my Kids alone. i used to work for Novartis. They fired me around Christmas - to be exact they told me directly before my Christmas vacation - I cant put into words what it was like at home with two Kids, having new year's eve in front of me and knowing i lost my Job. I used their childcare at the Campus - I had to be out with my Kids within 3 (!) weeks. No childcare place, no Job, no nothing. it was so inhumane - i really do not know how to put it in words here. regarding my contract and everything that they had promised years over years, from HR, from my Boss, from who-ever were pure lies. It was not "Novartis" - it was the People in there who made it my worst experience. i was in tears in many situations and they really WOULD NOT CARE. they cut all my social benefits from day one, so I also had to take a lawyer to fight for my right. suddenly then, it went better and I got what I had earned. but it was terrible. maybe i was naive but i had worked for other companies before Novartis and it was different there.

While the general premise may be TRUE for ALL of this industry, I really think all of you commentators (maybe just one individual?) are full of crap, and have the same poor sentence structures.

Lying is imbedded in society. How can you tell a politician or lawyer is lying?
His/ her mouth moves.
Lying and cheating are rampant in education. Ever read resumes in LinkedIn?
Pure fabrications in 75% of them.
Facebook, dating sites, newscasters, etc. not lies until they get exposed.
Sadly, being honest puts you at a distinct disadvantage vs the liars.
You think it's any different here?

While the general premise may be TRUE for ALL of this industry, I really think all of you commentators (maybe just one individual?) are full of crap, and have the same poor sentence structures.

Sentence structure????? Who gives a rats ass except a jerk like you. How's this for sentence structure: Screw you , and the horse you rode in on.

I feel the internal code of conduct ALL employees are to adhere to is all a lie. I pointed out clear examples of code of conduct violations with a manager and they were never followed up and the manager is still employed. Never, ever call the BPO and tell them about issues. They will blame you and most likely be targeted.

Sentence structure????? Who gives a rats ass except a jerk like you. How's this for sentence structure: Screw you , and the horse you rode in on.

Yes, you dope. Sentence structure. And the timing of the following posts after the original one. It's the same guy writing multiple posts.

So you have a grief with Novartis. What's it going to help for you to come here and air your dirty laundry on this anonymous board?

Hello, I posted my experience here yesterday with Novartis as an Investor. I think this Forum has gone a bit overboard with the Posts later on, but in any way i would appreciated the other Posts and from our experience it is not normal that lying and breach of contract and involvement is normal for a big Company. we have fine other Investors who have gone a Long way with us. regarding your request i beleive there is a reason that boards are anonymous - for good or for worse. when our Troubles with Novartis as Investor started i researched the web and i found lots of comments about bad culture, strange decision making processes etc. at Novartis (see for yourself on any Forum anonymous or not). for us it was too late as at the beginning of taking them on board we thought we were lucky to have such a great Company invest in us. but now i know better and i believe it is important to inform other People about this behavior so when they choose between Investors they consider at least the experience others had with them. i recommend to ask for references with existing companies Novartis invests in...we thought no Need as it is such a reputable Name and we were so proud they signed with us. today i know much better and this might be of value to others.

Hello, I posted my experience here yesterday with Novartis as an Investor. I think this Forum has gone a bit overboard with the Posts later on, but in any way i would appreciated the other Posts and from our experience it is not normal that lying and breach of contract and involvement is normal for a big Company. we have fine other Investors who have gone a Long way with us. regarding your request i beleive there is a reason that boards are anonymous - for good or for worse. when our Troubles with Novartis as Investor started i researched the web and i found lots of comments about bad culture, strange decision making processes etc. at Novartis (see for yourself on any Forum anonymous or not). for us it was too late as at the beginning of taking them on board we thought we were lucky to have such a great Company invest in us. but now i know better and i believe it is important to inform other People about this behavior so when they choose between Investors they consider at least the experience others had with them. i recommend to ask for references with existing companies Novartis invests in...we thought no Need as it is such a reputable Name and we were so proud they signed with us. today i know much better and this might be of value to others.

Bullshit..get a life!

While the general premise may be TRUE for ALL of this industry, I really think all of you commentators (maybe just one individual?) are full of crap, and have the same poor sentence structures.

I agree 100%. Look at the subject matter, and the time frame in which all were posted. A subject matter has never been discussed on this site; and the posts are within a short time frame of each other.

If any of this is true, it's unfortunate for the original poster, but it this day and age, I'm sure you understsnd it's the gamble of getting into bed with any big company.