Novartis Insider - Update #1


Insider here —-

Lots to cover - I’ll try to be as succinct as possible.

Let’s start first with the Victor/Rashema call. They are toeing the line on a technicality when they say the field won’t be affected. While they are focusing on HQ cuts - their is also a clear realization that a large reduction needs to happen in the field. They acknowledge that the current headcount is not needed in a new post covid pharma sales world where access is even more limited, providers are remote and virtual calls are becoming increasingly common. Notice they didn’t definitively rule it out. Why?

There are multiple contingency plans being mapped out right now. There is a saying in Basel and it is “Novartis is a Swiss Bank parading around as a health care company.” It was a favorite line of both Joe Jimenez and Alex Gorsky for those who’ve been around awhile. Bottom line is they are giving this until October because the cuts will likely be deep and they want to give folks time to leave the company rather than pay the enhanced severance package (which is VERY expensive).

The thought process being bandied about right now is “cut once and cut deep”. They don’t want to do another round of layoffs in 18 months as that would kill morale even further. In typical NVS fashion they feel if they need folks later on they can always hire them back - just an opportunity cost of doing business.

Basel is telling the US that they foresee a global recession (or greater) kicking off in the next 3-6 months and to get “your financial house in order.”

While the field is feeling queasy - please understand no one is safe. There are layers of Directors, VPs etc that are all being left in the wind right now.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


Insider here —-

Lots to cover - I’ll try to be as succinct as possible.

Let’s start first with the Victor/Rashema call. They are toeing the line on a technicality when they say the field won’t be affected. While they are focusing on HQ cuts - their is also a clear realization that a large reduction needs to happen in the field. They acknowledge that the current headcount is not needed in a new post covid pharma sales world where access is even more limited, providers are remote and virtual calls are becoming increasingly common. Notice they didn’t definitively rule it out. Why?

There are multiple contingency plans being mapped out right now. There is a saying in Basel and it is “Novartis is a Swiss Bank parading around as a health care company.” It was a favorite line of both Joe Jimenez and Alex Gorsky for those who’ve been around awhile. Bottom line is they are giving this until October because the cuts will likely be deep and they want to give folks time to leave the company rather than pay the enhanced severance package (which is VERY expensive).

The thought process being bandied about right now is “cut once and cut deep”. They don’t want to do another round of layoffs in 18 months as that would kill morale even further. In typical NVS fashion they feel if they need folks later on they can always hire them back - just an opportunity cost of doing business.

Basel is telling the US that they foresee a global recession (or greater) kicking off in the next 3-6 months and to get “your financial house in order.”

While the field is feeling queasy - please understand no one is safe. There are layers of Directors, VPs etc that are all being left in the wind right now.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Very few if any providers are doing virtual only sales calls. They are either back to normal or just shut out reps entirely. Not sure where you are getting your information but virtual calls are not becoming "more common" anywhere.

That said access has always been an issue and its worse now. Could definitely have less reps with larger geography when you factor in Dr.'s that you can really access.

I got hired back at Novartis and made 18k more on my base after being gone for 3 years.

Insider here —-

Lots to cover - I’ll try to be as succinct as possible.

Let’s start first with the Victor/Rashema call. They are toeing the line on a technicality when they say the field won’t be affected. While they are focusing on HQ cuts - their is also a clear realization that a large reduction needs to happen in the field. They acknowledge that the current headcount is not needed in a new post covid pharma sales world where access is even more limited, providers are remote and virtual calls are becoming increasingly common. Notice they didn’t definitively rule it out. Why?

There are multiple contingency plans being mapped out right now. There is a saying in Basel and it is “Novartis is a Swiss Bank parading around as a health care company.” It was a favorite line of both Joe Jimenez and Alex Gorsky for those who’ve been around awhile. Bottom line is they are giving this until October because the cuts will likely be deep and they want to give folks time to leave the company rather than pay the enhanced severance package (which is VERY expensive).

The thought process being bandied about right now is “cut once and cut deep”. They don’t want to do another round of layoffs in 18 months as that would kill morale even further. In typical NVS fashion they feel if they need folks later on they can always hire them back - just an opportunity cost of doing business.

Basel is telling the US that they foresee a global recession (or greater) kicking off in the next 3-6 months and to get “your financial house in order.”

While the field is feeling queasy - please understand no one is safe. There are layers of Directors, VPs etc that are all being left in the wind right now.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

To the insider…. In CRM there is a CVA systems model (large footprint, small amount of reps overseeing entire systems), is this where CRM will be heading towards? In my area there is an opening but the ABL is a nightmare… is this CVA the place to be in CRM? Thanks

Mr. Insider I have a question- how wet is it inside? Is it a slippery slope inside? Huge cuts? Is the min 6 month severance all but guaranteed? With the increase in diversity- will that play any role with who stays and who goes?

Mr. Insider I have a question- how wet is it inside? Is it a slippery slope inside? Huge cuts? Is the min 6 month severance all but guaranteed? With the increase in diversity- will that play any role with who stays and who goes?

Diversity unfortunately is the new flavor of the month. No pun intended. Sadly, they will view it as too much of us and will cut accordingly.

I’m the insider and I used to post the very same puke on the JNJ JANSSEN site a few years back before I was fired thier so you can trust me!
Very few if any providers are doing virtual only sales calls. They are either back to normal or just shut out reps entirely. Not sure where you are getting your information but virtual calls are not becoming "more common" anywhere.

That said access has always been an issue and its worse now. Could definitely have less reps with larger geography when you factor in Dr.'s that you can really access.

I got hired back at Novartis and made 18k more on my base after being gone for 3 years.