What have you heard?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jan 02, 2012 at 08:44: PM #2 Anonymous Guest FWIW - I've seen increase activity among my Novartis LinkedIn contacts.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jan 06, 2012 at 12:20: PM #3 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: FWIW - I've seen increase activity among my Novartis LinkedIn contacts. Click to expand... Here they go again... 1) Lost Tekturna and its product family - huge loss in cardiovascular space 2) Gilenya - is it doing as well is it should be? 3) Vaccines - only need so many people covering these products 4) Oncology - ?? At least KM is no longer around.
Anonymous said: FWIW - I've seen increase activity among my Novartis LinkedIn contacts. Click to expand... Here they go again... 1) Lost Tekturna and its product family - huge loss in cardiovascular space 2) Gilenya - is it doing as well is it should be? 3) Vaccines - only need so many people covering these products 4) Oncology - ?? At least KM is no longer around.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jan 12, 2012 at 03:23: PM #4 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: At least KM is no longer around. Click to expand... Usman Azam is better?