Novartis FDA Violations


I don't trust the BPO process at all and I am tired of seeing things swept under the carpet. Here are a couple of the things going on in my area.

1) My partner constantly clones her sign in sheet so she doesn't have to report who attends her lunches. She hasn't updated her sign in sheet in over a year.
2) Doing joint speaker programs with other companies (All over in Michigan)

It need said


I don't trust the BPO process at all and I am tired of seeing things swept under the carpet. Here are a couple of the things going on in my area.

1) My partner constantly clones her sign in sheet so she doesn't have to report who attends her lunches. She hasn't updated her sign in sheet in over a year.
2) Doing joint speaker programs with other companies (All over in Michigan)

It need said

Can you explain how to pull-off this cloning trick you speak of?
Asking for a friend.

It is compliant to clone a sign in sheet, but your partner should be updating the sheet each time he/she does a lunch. They can just mark off who attended and who didn’t and it’s compliant once date is changed of course. Are you 100% sure they person is not updating the sheet? Have you seen it? If so you need to contact the speak up office. As far as the joint speaker programs go - as far as I know if it’s the same
Product and it’s a co promote you can attend a speaker program. If it’s a different product it would be acceptable to join before the program starts to interact with customers but then they must leave before the presentation begins

Let's be honest the only names that matter on the sign in sheet are the providers and in some states the nurses. Everyone else is a big waste of time. As for throwing your partner under the bus you better hope that you are not doing anything wrong either, because I am sure they would love to return the favor. I bet you are in the field every day for the full day and all your calls are 100% legit. Right.

Let's be honest the only names that matter on the sign in sheet are the providers and in some states the nurses. Everyone else is a big waste of time. As for throwing your partner under the bus you better hope that you are not doing anything wrong either, because I am sure they would love to return the favor. I bet you are in the field every day for the full day and all your calls are 100% legit. Right.

Going in on your partner when the organization is in flames is a bad look. One of you will be gone soon enough.

Seriously?? As long as the HCP’s are reported, who cares about ancillary staff. Can’t tell you how many times I have made names up w/o any trouble, ever. When’s the last time an auditor called an office to verify names at a lunch?

Seriously?? As long as the HCP’s are reported, who cares about ancillary staff. Can’t tell you how many times I have made names up w/o any trouble, ever. When’s the last time an auditor called an office to verify names at a lunch?

Maybe not now in the middle of the TFG chaos but it can happen. I don’t trust Novartis and always suspicious

I don't trust the BPO process at all and I am tired of seeing things swept under the carpet. Here are a couple of the things going on in my area.

1) My partner constantly clones her sign in sheet so she doesn't have to report who attends her lunches. She hasn't updated her sign in sheet in over a year.
2) Doing joint speaker programs with other companies (All over in Michigan)

It need said
You would really jeopardize someones career and job over who really ate pizza? You are a clown and maybe you should get canned.

Here is the violation in my area, the adsar is constantly talking spread about how much money they can make injectioning leqvio to offices. Only matter of time till he gets busted.

Are they not allowed to discuss this? Or do doctors have to figure it out on their own based on a formula they provide. This is the shit that gets Novartis into trouble
They have to figure it out based on the formula. Most specialty reps selling buy and bill know exactly how to walk that line, but we reps aren’t even selling it, we are just “promoting” it and hoping our adsar or frm will sell it.

Here is the violation in my area, the adsar is constantly talking spread about how much money they can make injectioning leqvio to offices. Only matter of time till he gets busted.

You should be grateful your ADSAR does anything. Mine just sits at home begging us to get them appointments to justify their job.

I don't trust the BPO process at all and I am tired of seeing things swept under the carpet. Here are a couple of the things going on in my area.

1) My partner constantly clones her sign in sheet so she doesn't have to report who attends her lunches. She hasn't updated her sign in sheet in over a year.
2) Doing joint speaker programs with other companies (All over in Michigan)

It need said

You are embarrassing for even thinking about turning in your partner. Shame on you!

I don't trust the BPO process at all and I am tired of seeing things swept under the carpet. Here are a couple of the things going on in my area.

1) My partner constantly clones her sign in sheet so she doesn't have to report who attends her lunches. She hasn't updated her sign in sheet in over a year.
2) Doing joint speaker programs with other companies (All over in Michigan)

It need said

Manipulating early data seems more concerning than your jerk off partner’s sign in sheet. Fucking L, have some respect for yourselves. Apparently, the FDA hires the most incompetent study reviewers and/or the greediest people who aren’t qualified to interpret data. Good for Nature and Fuck You Novartis™