Novartis = bonus week; Publicis = ??? Or 0

Publics Administration are thieves! Keeping our Bonus' that we earned and is due on 3/31/17 per your printed schedule, is inexcusable.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are liars, cheaters and the over paid, email sending "managers" you have hired to shuffle expense reports are deplorable excuses to humanity.

I heard it straight from NVS manager. It's true!

It's in an account, earning money for NOVARTIS. I spoke to someone in hq, they told me that Novartis insists on 90 day payment terms no matter what. After they call the bonus PDI sends the bill to Novartis and then they have to wait 90 days for the payment. Novartis could make an exception to pay the bill sooner and get us paid sooner but chooses not to. PDI gets put in a tough spot on this.

If you're with PUBs on any contract, don't expect more than a little bit less than your pay check amount after all deductions and don't ask your Novartis counterparts about the amount of their bonus because you will get sick and throw up!