Novartis Beware of the Future Class Action Law Suit


To whom it may concern, the fact that no one really knows if the numbers are correct, the fact that some reports i.e. WRAR have higher counts than the MPR.......

The fact that when we ask we are told some reports are only guidelines, not final numbers.....

We know we're at will employees and are not guaranteed a bonus, but if there is a bonus, I believe we're entitled to know that it's accurate. There's an implied contract from you to us, that the data is correct.

There are so many discrepancies...........

We will find the right plaintiff................

Be careful where you URAN8 because someday you may have to go back and eat the from that garden.


To whom it may concern, the fact that no one really knows if the numbers are correct, the fact that some reports i.e. WRAR have higher counts than the MPR.......

The fact that when we ask we are told some reports are only guidelines, not final numbers.....

We know we're at will employees and are not guaranteed a bonus, but if there is a bonus, I believe we're entitled to know that it's accurate. There's an implied contract from you to us, that the data is correct.

There are so many discrepancies...........

We will find the right plaintiff................

Be careful where you URAN8 because someday you may have to go back and eat the from that garden.

They can't discriminate with the bonus. What that means if one person gets a quota adjustment they must review every territory or give everyone the same adjustment. I have them on this. Just waiting for the correct time.

It would be interesting to see if NVS massaged the IMS #'s
Vs. DDD data to negatively impact women or older employees
Quite frankly I am shocked that an attorney's office hasn't jumped
on a chance to file a class action. Reps from every company would
pour in on this one because ultimately these companies know exactly
what is distributed in each zip code VS. the credit they provide sales reps

It would be interesting to see if NVS massaged the IMS #'s
Vs. DDD data to negatively impact women or older employees
Quite frankly I am shocked that an attorney's office hasn't jumped
on a chance to file a class action. Reps from every company would
pour in on this one because ultimately these companies know exactly
what is distributed in each zip code VS. the credit they provide sales reps

You don't / didn't know how good you have it at Novartis. Bloated salaries, great benefits. "But my manager is a micromanager" blah blah blah. Have you worked ANYWHERE else? Dickheads.

To whom it may concern, the fact that no one really knows if the numbers are correct, the fact that some reports i.e. WRAR have higher counts than the MPR.......

The fact that when we ask we are told some reports are only guidelines, not final numbers.....

We know we're at will employees and are not guaranteed a bonus, but if there is a bonus, I believe we're entitled to know that it's accurate. There's an implied contract from you to us, that the data is correct.

There are so many discrepancies...........

We will find the right plaintiff................

Be careful where you URAN8 because someday you may have to go back and eat the from that garden.

Dear OP, you are absolutely correct; since perfection is impossible, we will adjust accordingly. From now on, tis is a straight salary position, and we will pay commensurate with the education and skills required. To the end:

- There will be no more bonuses AT ALL, hey you're not really sales people anyway, hence the OT lawsuits.
- Salaries will not exceed 75K per year, new hire salaries not to exceed 45k.
- No more company car, but we will reimburse mileage at .55/mile
- Pay starts from the moment of your 1st signature, and ends with the last signature.
- Severance policy has been terminated; from now on you get WARN notice, then out the door you go. Severance is not a legal right, its a gift!

There are thousands of unemployed reps, that would take your job, as outlined above; so, if you dont like it QUIT! We can hire another caterer just like you in two weeks.



At least that would be more honest. Oh and by the way, not everyone at Novartis in sales has a bloated salary, or works as a caterer. Some of us, who aren't gen meds, but a specialty product, make under 80K base, work like dogs, and THEN are told certain reports aren't the "real" numbers yet they are higher than the MIR #s.

My point was this: We don't deserve bonuses, but if they are provided, we should be able to trust that the data is correct.

At least that would be more honest. Oh and by the way, not everyone at Novartis in sales has a bloated salary, or works as a caterer. Some of us, who aren't gen meds, but a specialty product, make under 80K base, work like dogs, and THEN are told certain reports aren't the "real" numbers yet they are higher than the MIR #s.

My point was this: We don't deserve bonuses, but if they are provided, we should be able to trust that the data is correct.

You're in specialty and your base is under 80k? You are doing something wrong...

At least that would be more honest. Oh and by the way, not everyone at Novartis in sales has a bloated salary, or works as a caterer. Some of us, who aren't gen meds, but a specialty product, make under 80K base, work like dogs, and THEN are told certain reports aren't the "real" numbers yet they are higher than the MIR #s.

My point was this: We don't deserve bonuses, but if they are provided, we should be able to trust that the data is correct.

Give me a break, specialty is GEN MED without samples; your jobs are exactly the same! You also do no more than deliver sandwiches, and deliver 10 second sound bites; IF YOU'RE LUCKY! Anyone doing this job, and makes more than 50k per year, bonus included, is absolutely stealing money! I have been in your shoes, so I know.

Dear OP, you are absolutely correct; since perfection is impossible, we will adjust accordingly. From now on, tis is a straight salary position, and we will pay commensurate with the education and skills required. To the end:

- There will be no more bonuses AT ALL, hey you're not really sales people anyway, hence the OT lawsuits.
- Salaries will not exceed 75K per year, new hire salaries not to exceed 45k.
- No more company car, but we will reimburse mileage at .55/mile
- Pay starts from the moment of your 1st signature, and ends with the last signature.
- Severance policy has been terminated; from now on you get WARN notice, then out the door you go. Severance is not a legal right, its a gift!

There are thousands of unemployed reps, that would take your job, as outlined above; so, if you dont like it QUIT! We can hire another caterer just like you in two weeks.



And that my friends is exactly why Novartis is in the position that they are! Managers that are idiots and have a lack of emotional intelligence coupled with scientific departments that can't write a competent study and senior leadership that doesn't know how to develop for the future!

And that my friends is exactly why Novartis is in the position that they are! Managers that are idiots and have a lack of emotional intelligence coupled with scientific departments that can't write a competent study and senior leadership that doesn't know how to develop for the future!

Ahhh, life is so simple for the least educated and least business aware in pharma - the drug rep. Oh they no so little, yet they talk so much about everything. Everybody else is so useless and dumb, this coming form folks who work 3-4 hours a day, and mainly serve lunch. Self entitled babies, who cant stand people who make them earn their bloated pay checks. Dumb idiots who don't realize that studies are NOT written, they are reported observations.

Ahh, the least educated, least experienced among us, pretending to be the smartest! Why dont you take your communications degree (BA) and go serve a lunch some where?

Ahhh, life is so simple for the least educated and least business aware in pharma - the drug rep. Oh they no so little, yet they talk so much about everything. Everybody else is so useless and dumb, this coming form folks who work 3-4 hours a day, and mainly serve lunch. Self entitled babies, who cant stand people who make them earn their bloated pay checks. Dumb idiots who don't realize that studies are NOT written, they are reported observations.

Ahh, the least educated, least experienced among us, pretending to be the smartest! Why dont you take your communications degree (BA) and go serve a lunch some where?

The word "no" and "know" are homonyms. That means that they sound alike but are spelled differently and in this case have different meanings. While you were in the process of putting someone down or being "least educated" you highlighted your own deficiencies. So you should "stop pretending to be the smartest!" you dope.

Ahhh, life is so simple for the least educated and least business aware in pharma - the drug rep. Oh they no so little, yet they talk so much about everything. Everybody else is so useless and dumb, this coming form folks who work 3-4 hours a day, and mainly serve lunch. Self entitled babies, who cant stand people who make them earn their bloated pay checks. Dumb idiots who don't realize that studies are NOT written, they are reported observations.

Ahh, the least educated, least experienced among us, pretending to be the smartest! Why dont you take your communications degree (BA) and go serve a lunch some where?

Would you classify a long term, currently employed Novartis drug rep that started an internet side business that makes $250,000 profit a year a dumb idiot? I will cater any day for an extra $150,000 a year. I have my hand out for more bloated paychecks for years to come.