Novartis-AveXis : A ‘gene’-ius deal?

After the divestiture of our CHC business and a string of deals / acquisitions in field of gene therapy and some others innovative approaches the risk profile of our portfolio has increased significantly. Five to ten years from now we either rise to the top of the most innovative pharma companies making it on the covers of the most trusted journals and newspapers or we will have disappeared or at least marginalized because we sunk all that money in too risky deals and futile R&D investments.

Most of the candidates for the AveXis commercial field positions have backed out because of this deal.

The recruiter will likely open up the candidate pool to big pharma robots.

I'm currently a biologics rep

Obviously I'm cleverer than most reps but I'm not sure I'm clever enough to sell 'genics'

Is there a test I can take to check my chances?

Come what may really excited about this bold step from a bold new regime !!!