NOVARTIS $600,000,000.00 Million PALACE !



because you know......they have to "CUT COSTS"

In a part of Cambridge filled with hulking science labs, Swiss medical giant Novartis AG is building a striking glass and granite building designed by noted architect Maya Lin.

Lin is among several prominent designers Novartis hired to create a $600 million three-building laboratory and office complex that will be the centerpiece of its worldwide research operations based in Cambridge.

Cambridge’s $600m project

Clad in glass, terra cotta, and granite, the complex will also include retail shops to fill in a large hole in the commercial strip along Massachusetts Avenue, as well as a 1.35-acre park adjacent to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lin’s concept is a building that gradually rises along Massachusetts Avenue, with a main entry and an interior courtyard filled with trees and meandering pathways.

“I wanted this to feel not like an isolated island, but something penetrable for everyone from MIT to walk around,’’ said Mark Fishman, the president of the company’s Institutes for Biomedical Research.

“We want people to mix there just as they would at a university.’’

The Lin and other buildings were approved by the Cambridge Planning Board Tuesday night. Novartis has already begun site work on the property and expects to complete the complex in 2015.

The Boston Globe reports. As the Swiss drug giant hands pink slips to R&D folks elsewhere, site work has already begun for what is expected to be an architectural gem of glass, granite and terra cotta to add to the company's already sizable research base in MIT's backyard.

(like FDA violations)

The Boston Globe reports. As the Swiss drug giant hands pink slips to R&D folks elsewhere, site work has already begun for what is expected to be an architectural gem of glass, granite and terra cotta to add to the company's already sizable research base in MIT's backyard.

(like FDA violations)

The whole architectural gem collection in Basel and now even in US gives my Granny's saying a quite different perspective: 'Never judge a book by its cover'.

Think what's possible? MASSIVE FDA violations! Will be interesting to see who will be blamed and sacrificed for this epic failure.

It is not only that Novartis is rich, or should we say super-super rich, but the wealth of this company came a good deal from looting and abusing health care systems around the world. Thus the money came easily and undeservedly. When you have such quality and quantity of "easy" money it is so easy to spend on things that are so expensive and so much out of normal. Nothing is extravagant or expensive to this Co and their main wiseguy Dr. Vasella. After all he too is spending his billions easily on chopers, exotic cars, houses, villas and who knows what elese.
This is a well known phenomenon. Look at someone like Madoff. He too "made" billions by looting other peoples' moneys and for him to spend $20M on NYC penthouse was like you buying a stick of chewingum. Yes it is that easy, for when money that you have, came from illegal sources (stealing, defrauding, etc) it is almost worthless to you and you spend it easier than proverbial drunken sailor. At leaset some like Madoff end up in jail even though it does not help their victims. In case of Novartis, they just paid some fines in USA and no one went to jail. In other parts of the World they don't even pay fines for they never get caught even when there are laws under which they could be prosecuted. They simply pay off the corrupt in power and go on on their merry way, stealing, defrauding, bribing etc.
Till people at large stand up against this crime Novartis and all bigpharma (as well as other big biz) will continue to take their undeserved share of wealth created by honest hard working citizens of all countries. On the other hand if you believe this is the way capitalism and free market has to function, then stop complaining. Join the orgy, find the way for you to steal, defraud..... and in the end build yourself a palace if you are rerally good at it.


No issue with building when more space is needed....
But my issue is with obvious disregard to the lay-offs and the current economic crisis that has hit Europe and USA.

To go out there, and announced the construction of a 600 M a slap in the face of everyone that Novartis has lay-off in the past years.

I am think about that disgusting Gehry Building in Basel....yes, beautiful....yet it only houses about 120 employees....and at a cost of 160 M.
In other words....each desk cost over a Million Dollars !!!!

If I have a shareholder of this company....I would be bringing this up at every stockholder meeting....and demanding an explanation from Vasella


No issue with building when more space is needed....
But my issue is with obvious disregard to the lay-offs and the current economic crisis that has hit Europe and USA.

To go out there, and announced the construction of a 600 M a slap in the face of everyone that Novartis has lay-off in the past years.

I am think about that disgusting Gehry Building in Basel....yes, beautiful....yet it only houses about 120 employees....and at a cost of 160 M.
In other words....each desk cost over a Million Dollars !!!!

If I have a shareholder of this company....I would be bringing this up at every stockholder meeting....and demanding an explanation from Vasella

IMMORAL, UNETHICA, INHUMAN, DISGUSTING, CRIMINAL...! You name more of such descriptions if you can find. This is no surprise. In today's hyper-capitalism that is ONLY interested in the interest of the shareholders and big bosses like Vasella et all. there is no room for eny interest of those they exploit to get what they want, maximum and beyond profits and incomes/bonuses for them. You are just a means to their end. You are used, used and used some more till they don't need you. Then you are discarded like an old sock (not to use the real description; like a piece of &&%$%) with no regard for your feelings, needs or future. Yes, folks we have entered the worse stage of capitalism where the gov'ts have completely taken the capital's side and we the working people from cleaning leady to sales rep to accountant to....anyone who is not "them", are destined to serve them till they need us and nothing more. Yes they may be paying you not too bad in this biz (because they are awashed in money ill-equired via host of illegal, immoral, unethical and criminal practices) while they need you but once you are used up, bingo you are out while they will build this and many more buildings, palaces, villas, super lux houses etc. for them to enjoy while you are left to survive the way you know or can.
This will go on still for a while, till a critical mass of us the victims is formed. Then all bets are off and we'll move. Just like those people in Arab spring are doing right now. Yes their's is a somewhat different situation but it is obvious that in "democracy" like ours there is abuse of the people that is already intolerable but still has not reached the breaking point.
That will come sooner or later even in a pristine country like Swiss. Vasella and abusers like him better think it over before we the people lose it. The best case scenario for both parties will be if we the people vote the current corrupt gov'ts out and form what we were promised in the first place by democracy; THE GOVERMENT FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. Then we can truly established an order that is fair to all. For now we ain't got it in America and few more so called democracies.