Novartis 4000 pharma lay-offs


As much as I detest you snotty nosed whiners coming on this board to rah rah your position with Novartis, I will have to admit I hate seeing a lay off of this magnitude with your company.


We all know that the handwriting is on the wall regarding this issue for all of us, here & at other pharma companies. It's either losing patent protection on key money making drugs at many companies or having "me too" products which are not bringing in enough revenue (like us) to keep the sales rep totals at our current levels. I know many soothsayers will come back saying look at all our "new" products, but just look at how miserable the sales volume of our "new" drugs have been & only an ostrich with his head in the ground can't see the obvious handwriting on the wall.

We all know that the handwriting is on the wall regarding this issue for all of us, here & at other pharma companies. It's either losing patent protection on key money making drugs at many companies or having "me too" products which are not bringing in enough revenue (like us) to keep the sales rep totals at our current levels. I know many soothsayers will come back saying look at all our "new" products, but just look at how miserable the sales volume of our "new" drugs have been & only an ostrich with his head in the ground can't see the obvious handwriting on the wall.

Doesn't matter, all expenditures thus far on new products are sunk costs. We look good financially and everyone seems to forget our Millennium portfolio and the revenue it brings in.

Doesn't matter, all expenditures thus far on new products are sunk costs. We look good financially and everyone seems to forget our Millennium portfolio and the revenue it brings in.
Just keep on drinking the "kool aid" the Takeda upper management is feeding you all the way until the well runs dry. All those "wonder drugs" that are supposed to be the salvation of a company don't always pan out & many a rep from other companies that are now standing in the unemployment line were fed the same line before the axe fell on them. It's the nature of the pharma industry today that all rep sales forces are going to get leaner & leaner due to Obamacare & other factors of the day. We are probably a year or so away from knowing about our new products, but at that time we all will know if they are a success or just a flash in the pan.

Just keep on drinking the "kool aid" the Takeda upper management is feeding you all the way until the well runs dry. All those "wonder drugs" that are supposed to be the salvation of a company don't always pan out & many a rep from other companies that are now standing in the unemployment line were fed the same line before the axe fell on them. It's the nature of the pharma industry today that all rep sales forces are going to get leaner & leaner due to Obamacare & other factors of the day. We are probably a year or so away from knowing about our new products, but at that time we all will know if they are a success or just a flash in the pan.
So true. Management has their own ulterior motive for keeping the wool pulled over our eyes. The want to keep us in place long enough to hopefully move enough of a drug to see if it will make the cut, whereas if we look elsewhere for a better & more secure job then they don't get the option of letting us go on their agenda not ours. I know this is going to happen, but I'm going to milk the cow as long as I can then see what kind of severance they will give me, but I've been around long enough to get a decent package. I just feel for the younger reps who are not in my position.

Doesn't matter, all expenditures thus far on new products are sunk costs. We look good financially and everyone seems to forget our Millennium portfolio and the revenue it brings in.

You mean Millennium? The company that is so ashamed to be part of Takeda that it does everything possible to remain silent? Wouldn't it be nice if experienced, quality Takeda reps could move over to Oncology? Oh yeah, we don't have any.