the pharma industry is never ending changing giving no one safety for long-term careers. novaquest establishes contracts with companies as lilly, amgen, abbott, and int'l breakthru biotech companies. these contracts are solid and good salaries and perks. once contract is over you may roll over to company or start new contract. it seems a good fit for a person that wants security and challenge these days. novaquest has 10 years of establishing sales forces for different companies so experience is key. novaquest continues to grow and i believe the word is getting out more about novaquest and opportunies. I would highly suggest you apply. goodluck! lastly and most important people are happy at novaquest.
A few more incorrect statements not already mentioned:
line 2-"...long term careers": at least with Pharma you have a chance at a long-term career. Reality:With Novaquest, your "career" ends at the end of the contract. You don't get "rolled over" and rarely are placed with another contract.
line 4-"..contracts are solid and good salaries and perks".: Reality: the contract is "solid" until it ends. Then you are on your own. As for good salaries and perks: your base will be 20k or more less than working direct and doing the same thing as they do. Also, 2 weeks of vacation is NOT my idea of good perks.
line 5-"..once contract is over you may roll over to company.." That is a huge myth that I cannot believe people still try to pull over on you. It's V-E-R-Y rare. There is no reason for a company to "roll" you over when they can use your services for much less and not have to worry about benefits, pension, raises and all the other costs to employ a person.
line 6-blah, blah, blah.."challenge". Yes, it is a "challenge" having to experience the micro managing that occurs with this company. Someone (or many people) didn't get the memo that Novaquest is a contract company and not Big Pharma--enough with the micromanaging. It's not only that, but they run things so ass-backward, everything has to done immediately and usually several times and they change, tweak and f' things up. It's fine to micro manage if you pay Big Pharma money--if you don't, then get out of our @ss.
line 10-"people are happy at Novaquest". For the rare few who don't have a spineless, weasel of a manager--yes, I'm sure it can be a job that makes you happy. Otherwise, it's not a good place. DON'T take a job here unless you've exhausted all other opportunities. The shitty pay and 2 weeks vacation really aren't worth the aggravation.