Nothing since layoffs



We just went through 25% reduction (like everyone, not just IT)

Are we really convinced we are going to "do things differently". Seems tough when we just put all of the same people in the same positions and don't offer any reason to do anything different....


We just went through 25% reduction (like everyone, not just IT)

Are we really convinced we are going to "do things differently". Seems tough when we just put all of the same people in the same positions and don't offer any reason to do anything different....

Same crappy leadership means the same crappy way of doing things. I think I can count on one hand the number of happy people in IT. Amazing that our leader, who ran the IT shop into the ground, is still in charge. You'd think even if he is able to keep his job, he would be so humiliated at screwing up the organization that he would leave on his own. I can only wish.

Same crappy leadership means the same crappy way of doing things. I think I can count on one hand the number of happy people in IT. Amazing that our leader, who ran the IT shop into the ground, is still in charge. You'd think even if he is able to keep his job, he would be so humiliated at screwing up the organization that he would leave on his own. I can only wish.

IT at Takeda isn't about actually fixing anything or doing your job well. It's about money alone. Why else would we be getting outsourced while our 'leaders' still have their offices. Do we really need 1 manager for every 5 employees...or contractors I mean? Did we really need almost 2 million dollars worth of laptops that haven't even been deployed and are already obsolete?

I really miss working with people who know how to do their job. People who find solutions to problems and don't just reference KT that cannot and will not ever replace the ability to think.

I'm happy to still have a job, but secretly wish I could escape.

If I were single I would.

I don't know if anyone realizes how bad things are.

Former employee here. I was lucky enough to have something lined up for afterward. I didn't realize it at the time, but I can't tell you how much happier I am now that I'm out of there. Having a job now I actually enjoy going to is something I had forgotten existed. There is life outside Takeda.