Nothing really happening here


Product launches are slow and are not supported by marketing or R&D. (because they really don't exist anymore in a practical way)

Organizational changes are minimal and predictably chaotic.

Only planned facility closing but no announcements of actual facility closings.

Layoffs are complete and no major layoffs will occur in the near future.

New acquisitions are small and and the planned big acquisition may never happen

Pharma Cafe posts just talk about past layoffs and the "new now old boring to talk about" business model

In essence Valeant the once fast growing acquisition company is becoming a slow growth maker of generic pharmaceuticals, and some consumer products.

Wall Street will lose interest in this company within a year unless the merger of equals happens.

Never get cozy!

We are all collateral pieces in this chess game of M&A's.

Truly, there will never be stability in the pharmaceutical industry.

Stability, go sell insurance or Mary Kay. That way you can control the controllables.

While working here expect things to change on a dime. MP is answering to his stockholders,

and we mean nothing but the cost of doing business for him. Its all about the mighty dollar!

Never ever forget it. Keep your resume updates and YES interview stay sharp and always

know your worth/value. What is the worst thing that could happen- you get offered

a fantastic job with a future?! Boo fucking yeah!

Good luck!

Deuces out!

Valeant is settling down. Crazy posts predicting the apocalypse and mass layoffs are just way off the mark.

If Valeant does a huge merger/acquisition there may be some synergy cuts but likely nothing too major. B+L had its cutbacks last year and moving forward things look good.

Valeant is settling down. Crazy posts predicting the apocalypse and mass layoffs are just way off the mark.

If Valeant does a huge merger/acquisition there may be some synergy cuts but likely nothing too major. B+L had its cutbacks last year and moving forward things look good.

Sorry, but you're wrong. Depends on what organization you're in.