Not the same Novartis as 20 years ago….


I’ve been at Novartis for 23 years and I can tell you this used to be THE place to be. It was a company that did the right thing for employees, customers, and yes, patients, even during difficult times such as downsizing. It was a fun place to work and our customers respected us. Now we are the complete opposite…an absolute joke in the industry and a place where loyalty, performance, and initiative are are completely disregarded.

I always hoped to end my run here and to retire with my head held high. Now, unfortunately, that will not be the case. In my late 50’s, I’m forced to go look for another job due to our complete lack of leadership. I’ll survive I’m sure but for those that are in the prime of your career, I would strongly encourage you to find a place where you will be valued and respected. MANY companies treat employees with respect, just not hear anymore….

I wish you all the best of luck. Get out while you can !


Unfortunately, ageism has been prevalent at NVS for some time...crazy how they give young inexperienced hi po's the opportunity to blow up a business...or launch a 'blockbuster'.