Not selling Remicade


Is it true that you are no longer selling Remicade? I was shocked!!! Hey JnJ I didn't know $4 bil a year was throw away money. What a shame. I've never seen anything like this before. It is as if JnJ is trying to lose money. There was a lot of hard work behind those Remicade numbers. It is typical that those that did nothing to be in a position of authority are the first to cast all that hard work aside. Just plain criminal.

Is it true that you are no longer selling Remicade? I was shocked!!! Hey JnJ I didn't know $4 bil a year was throw away money. What a shame. I've never seen anything like this before. It is as if JnJ is trying to lose money. There was a lot of hard work behind those Remicade numbers. It is typical that those that did nothing to be in a position of authority are the first to cast all that hard work aside. Just plain criminal.

The NSD, a guy who goes by the nickname "The Fab's, " decided it was too complicated a sell for his people, because he himself couldn't get it.

The NSD, a guy who goes by the nickname "The Fab's, " decided it was too complicated a sell for his people, because he himself couldn't get it.

I'll agree that the guy is dumb as dirt but that's besides the point. Most of the Remicade on the GI side were generated by selling on the spread and that's very difficult to do now, so the sales have plummeted. One bad think about dumb management (such as above) is that they are so easily snowed and think everyone in their franchise is working, while that's not true. Stupidity is ruining this company, that's what.

Is it true that you are no longer selling Remicade? I was shocked!!! Hey JnJ I didn't know $4 bil a year was throw away money. What a shame. I've never seen anything like this before. It is as if JnJ is trying to lose money. There was a lot of hard work behind those Remicade numbers. It is typical that those that did nothing to be in a position of authority are the first to cast all that hard work aside. Just plain criminal.

True true. Remicade has left the building. It took with it the payroll for 500 sales and mgmt. POA1 2016 is going to need fewer rooms. A lot fewer rooms.

True true. Remicade has left the building. It took with it the payroll for 500 sales and mgmt. POA1 2016 is going to need fewer rooms. A lot fewer rooms.

No way. We are expanding for the future: Simponi and Simponi ARIA. And wait until GI gets Stelara. They will blow away the competition like they did Humira!

whatever. feel for those who's jobs are at risk. It's never easy. On the other hand, the pharma CI buzzards that will be flying around trying to be first with downsizing and realignment numbers for their sketchy client arrangement- never feel bad for them. only embarrassed.

No way. We are expanding for the future: Simponi and Simponi ARIA. And wait until GI gets Stelara. They will blow away the competition like they did Humira!

Reduction doesn't feel like much of future. Or r u getting super duper lean to be competitive? In that case u going to be super lean over the next few years. And I mean really super! I'm gone so I don't care a bit.

No way. We are expanding for the future: Simponi and Simponi ARIA. And wait until GI gets Stelara. They will blow away the competition like they did Humira!

Humira rep here. You did what to us? You can game your numbers all you want but just know we are the market leader in GI, DERM and RA. We stopped Stelara flat in Derm and PSA and will do the same in GI. If we have competition it never came from Janssen/centacor. So like you did to Humira? Get your facts straight.

Humira rep here. You did what to us? You can game your numbers all you want but just know we are the market leader in GI, DERM and RA. We stopped Stelara flat in Derm and PSA and will do the same in GI. If we have competition it never came from Janssen/centacor. So like you did to Humira? Get your facts straight.

Kudos to you. I've been a Remicade sales champion for years, and I've done it without bashing Humira, which is a great drug. You also have some very capable and professional reps selling it, and many of you have become my field friends over the years.

I believe you also have an edge in your management. We have a terrible "leadership" team here, management that cares more about their egos than their reps or patients. The morale here is terrible. For example, we have one national sales director who calls himself "The Fabs" and has a select crew of frat boy yes-men who think they are smarter than everyone, even though it's one of the dumbest crews you'd ever meet. Our VP is a woman who yearns to be "one of the boys" on Fabs crew and is totally out of touch with the sales force and our customers. She always talks about "closing" but can't seem to describe or define what that is. Another ex-jock who thinks you motivate through fear and intimidation.

So congratulations for being number one. You obviously have leaders who get it, and they hire true sales people as opposed to the "Hot new talent" as the Fabs crew call the newly-graduated cheerleaders who know how to play these bald beer-bellied guys by feigning interest in their looks.

Rome (JBI) is on fire, while Nero fiddles and the Empress has no clothes.

Fabbri's people continue to lose market share, and they keep him in charge, even though he does nothing but talk about how great he is. I pity our stock price when this buffoon is in charge!