I disagree with the article actually, couple wrong things stated in it has me questioning this sheer opinion. Let’s be 100% clear, this is someone’s opinion not based on fact. So bc there are some mishaps in what is said....hard to believe this will come to fruition.
Wall Street not happy with us today. Why the delay in a European launch? Second half of 2021, do we really have anything else going on? Get it in some select locations and get things moving!
It's because BQ has ZERO friggin idea on how to plan for a product launch ex-US. Hmmm, maybe out-license for EU, or better yet, have a marketing partner ready. Stupidity. Oh, beautiful CINV franchise sales...down 50% from a year ago.
It's because BQ has ZERO friggin idea on how to plan for a product launch ex-US. Hmmm, maybe out-license for EU, or better yet, have a marketing partner ready. Stupidity. Oh, beautiful CINV franchise sales...down 50% from a year ago.
Wow, why are you all so incompetent? Did anyone get fired for basically ruining this company with 2+ years in CRL delays and still counting? Seriously, did everyone get to keep their jobs here?
i am ready to sell sustol again. I don’t know how much it will sell but I have to say the product has immense ability to breakthrough peoples attitudes. Grinding is back boys.
The best way to play sustol is just cry foul in the early days and say none of my customers are willing to adopt, and then pull a rabbit out of the hat and bring few customers on board with whatever volume. You will be rewarded handsomely. Believe me this has worked for many in this organization.