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Not another one....


Yes, another speaker saying our best interest is to vote for Biden, someone who doesn't know WHERE he is or WHAT he is running for as recent as this week. Oh, but wait....he is not the candidate anyway. "Vote for me and I'll tell you later about my polices"...don't think so!


Yes, another speaker saying our best interest is to vote for Biden, someone who doesn't know WHERE he is or WHAT he is running for as recent as this week. Oh, but wait....he is not the candidate anyway. "Vote for me and I'll tell you later about my polices"...don't think so!

Don’t use that speaker anymore

Yes, another speaker saying our best interest is to vote for Biden, someone who doesn't know WHERE he is or WHAT he is running for as recent as this week. Oh, but wait....he is not the candidate anyway. "Vote for me and I'll tell you later about my polices"...don't think so!
Give the speaker super low ratings. He’ll be kicked off the speaker bureau soon

This wasn’t a product speaker.....it was another company sponsored speaker for us to log into and listen to political propaganda. Wake up people!!!! Something strange is going on here with this company pushing their political stuff on us.

It's modern corporate America. They have now officially become hard left advocates, and just like the media they no longer care about hiding it.

Because we act like sheep. We follow and do as told without thinking for ourselves. We would rather have someone tell us what they think and believe rather than research for ourselves and think for ourselves.

Because we act like sheep. We follow and do as told without thinking for ourselves. We would rather have someone tell us what they think and believe rather than research for ourselves and think for ourselves.

It's really sad how bad things have become. I wish we could speak out! If you do, you would probalby be fired! But, we really need to stop being pressured to do these things!!!!

Because we act like sheep. We follow and do as told without thinking for ourselves. We would rather have someone tell us what they think and believe rather than research for ourselves and think for ourselves.
Not true.
I do not log into that nonsense… I say that I do but I don’t listen. You’re nuts if you listen to your employer telling you how to vote or how to think…