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Northeast Regional Town Hall


We had a townhall last night with Steve, BJ, and our new shire counterparts. No new updates, and a short Q & A we didn’t learn much. It does however sound like another 2-3 months before they will know what the new sales structure will look like.


Nice try BJ! Another classic "HEADFAKE" by HDQ. We know you guys read this stuff during times like these. Don't worry, we're working! How about being fully "TRANSPARENT" (to borrow your word), and giving us the true date? Honesty - a beautiful thing!!

We had a townhall last night with Steve, BJ, and our new shire counterparts. No new updates, and a short Q & A we didn’t learn much. It does however sound like another 2-3 months before they will know what the new sales structure will look like.

If you didn’t learn much then can you explain why you believe it will be another 2-3 months before we know thebsales structure? Not being sarcastic, genuinely curious why. Thanks

Steve said that it would take them about 2-3 months til they knew what the new sales structure would look like.

Steve said the same "2-3 months" bullshit back during POA's! It's a total bullshit roadshow talking point designed for the little people. They have to sound concerned and "address" each and every question with rehearsed talking points that help them achieve their objectives. I believe they call it "getting out in front" of these issues before they become a problem. THEY LIE! Past is prologue.

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