Northeast psych is a complete mess


Remember when company culture was important at Lundbeck? When the rumor in pharma was that Lundbeck reps were the happiest. Boy has that changed. One bad RD hire after another. We now have ASM’s scurrying around trying to please the new micro. Zero concern about what the salesforce actually wants or needs just making sure they hit those metrics. We are about to see a mass exit. AAM’s were definitely not being retained because of the pay. Pay is on the very low end, 401k is not good, bonus just eh but for the work life balance the company used to offer was good. They cared about mental health of their people and now that’s out. Time to move on. Chances they’ll fire another RD?

Remember when company culture was important at Lundbeck? When the rumor in pharma was that Lundbeck reps were the happiest. Boy has that changed. One bad RD hire after another. We now have ASM’s scurrying around trying to please the new micro. Zero concern about what the salesforce actually wants or needs just making sure they hit those metrics. We are about to see a mass exit. AAM’s were definitely not being retained because of the pay. Pay is on the very low end, 401k is not good, bonus just eh but for the work life balance the company used to offer was good. They cared about mental health of their people and now that’s out. Time to move on. Chances they’ll fire another RD?

Lindbeck is doing quite well. Just look at the quarterly numbers, so their management philosophy must be working. All 3 key drugs are doing well which is amazing considering that every one is totally unnecessary or barely works. I was hired in 2013 and the turnover has been incredible since then. They will bend over backwards to keep incompetent RD’s and especially ASM’s.

Why should they change a thing? The company is firing on all cylinders. Why increase pay, 401K matching, or anything else that will cost them money. If something is working, leave it alone. Find another company is your best solution.

Remember when company culture was important at Lundbeck? When the rumor in pharma was that Lundbeck reps were the happiest. Boy has that changed. One bad RD hire after another. We now have ASM’s scurrying around trying to please the new micro. Zero concern about what the salesforce actually wants or needs just making sure they hit those metrics. We are about to see a mass exit. AAM’s were definitely not being retained because of the pay. Pay is on the very low end, 401k is not good, bonus just eh but for the work life balance the company used to offer was good. They cared about mental health of their people and now that’s out. Time to move on. Chances they’ll fire another RD?

Your complaint is the same as EVERY other salespersons on EVERY other CP Board. Your situation is NOT unique and you complain just like every other babied lazy sales person who is being exposed. i am quite sure you tell people just how great you would be as a RD yet your personal disposition has never made you remotely qualified.

Lindbeck is doing quite well. Just look at the quarterly numbers, so their management philosophy must be working. All 3 key drugs are doing well which is amazing considering that every one is totally unnecessary or barely works. I was hired in 2013 and the turnover has been incredible since then. They will bend over backwards to keep incompetent RD’s and especially ASM’s.

Why should they change a thing? The company is firing on all cylinders. Why increase pay, 401K matching, or anything else that will cost them money. If something is working, leave it alone. Find another company is your best solution.

Good post. We all complain about Lundbeck, including myself, but then I realize where else can I go and make the money I make for so very little work. I know I could make a lot more working for a big device company like a Medtronic, but there I would actually have to work my ass off and I am way to lazy to do that. I am perfectly content to wallow in my mediocrity.

Good post. We all complain about Lundbeck, including myself, but then I realize where else can I go and make the money I make for so very little work. I know I could make a lot more working for a big device company like a Medtronic, but there I would actually have to work my ass off and I am way to lazy to do that. I am perfectly content to wallow in my mediocrity.

pure honesty! I love it!