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Northeast Edarbi Conference Call


I thought I heard it all, but this conference call was AWESOME. Lead by MF who by the way doesn't know an ARB from an ACE and our leader asking questions that were so out of left field that I left the call shaking my head. Who is actually leading us???? We're better off sticking with the GI franchise, our cardio knowledge is very little, especially in the Northeast!!!!


I thought I heard it all, but this conference call was AWESOME. Lead by MF who by the way doesn't know an ARB from an ACE and our leader asking questions that were so out of left field that I left the call shaking my head. Who is actually leading us???? We're better off sticking with the GI franchise, our cardio knowledge is very little, especially in the Northeast!!!!

Ya I have to agree. Call could of been hilarious to some, but it was just plain sad to most. Were you on the text message string that participants were sending to each other during the call? Now, that was funny!

I thought I heard it all, but this conference call was AWESOME. Lead by MF who by the way doesn't know an ARB from an ACE and our leader asking questions that were so out of left field that I left the call shaking my head. Who is actually leading us???? We're better off sticking with the GI franchise, our cardio knowledge is very little, especially in the Northeast!!!!

I hate to tell you this my friend but we are a GOUT company. Edarbi makes very little money for us considering how much we must discount it to managed care. Strap on your vest because for the next 3 years we are nothing more than a gout company pushing a product that is no better than a 4 cent a day generic.

Best we can hope for is a big payday during the August RIF.

I hate to tell you this my friend but we are a GOUT company. Edarbi makes very little money for us considering how much we must discount it to managed care. Strap on your vest because for the next 3 years we are nothing more than a gout company pushing a product that is no better than a 4 cent a day generic.

Best we can hope for is a big payday during the August RIF.

Didn't you mean the next 3 MONTHS??After Actos goes generic,the moving vans are set up to roll in Deerfield!!

WOW! this is the best leadership they came up with? A conference call? Really? You are going to put that on your review and hope to get a "exceeds expectations" based on that? Once again this proves my point. Any schlub can work they way up to RSD by policing their team and beating them for underperforming. The problem is at some point you need to LEAD people, DEVELOP people, MAKE THEM BETTER!! That's the problem with management here. They promote people who aren't ready and they they can't dump them because then they look like they didn't screen them properly. If your RSDs aren't educated and skilled at product knowledge and proper selling techniques, how do you expect your reps to be? It's funny how once Actos goes away and all of the sudden people suddenly aren't the great success story them pretend to be?

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