Norm Ornstein: The South is in charge of Congress


"Politics watcher Norm Ornstein has long been known as a moderate voice at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. And like many moderates, he is thoroughly freaked out by the government shutdown and the prospect of a debt-ceiling breach. He spoke recently to Salon about life at AEI, the difference between conservatives and radicals and why the most conservative Southerners can run the show in Congress."

"But even there, you know, another piece that I wrote a couple of weeks back now on how there are five Republican parties, a House and Senate and presidential one, but also a Southern and non-Southern party. The bottom line was that it’s the House party and the Southern party, which are the dominant forces out there; they are the ones driving the dialogue. And the fact is that in the House party you’ve got people who come from homogeneous echo chambers in their districts and are concerned, most of them, only about primaries. The Southern party has a very different worldview from the rest of the country, and is not moved by broader national opinion. It is much more overtly hostile to Obama, and I suspect that race is a part of it.

Almost all of the people from those areas come from districts with at best a trace element of minority voters. If you look, even within the House, at all of those votes where Boehner tried to get bipartisan majorities, the ones at the end of last year and the beginning of this year: the fiscal cliff, Hurricane Sandy, Violence Against Women Act, the ones who voted against him consistently, the vast number of them, were from the South.

These are not people moved so much by presidential politics or presidential elections, so it’s going to be a tough nut to crack. And it’s tough as well because what incentive is there for Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin or a local radio talk show host to suddenly say, “Oh my God we’ve got to move back to the center.” The best way to get your audience larger and more consistent is to be more divisive and more radical and criticize those who cater to or kowtow to other forces. And the money is still much more driven over on that side, from multibillionaires and others, who themselves are more ideological, so it’s hard to see in the short run how we come out of this."

"Politics watcher Norm Ornstein has long been known as a moderate voice at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. And like many moderates, he is thoroughly freaked out by the government shutdown and the prospect of a debt-ceiling breach. He spoke recently to Salon about life at AEI, the difference between conservatives and radicals and why the most conservative Southerners can run the show in Congress."

"But even there, you know, another piece that I wrote a couple of weeks back now on how there are five Republican parties, a House and Senate and presidential one, but also a Southern and non-Southern party. The bottom line was that it’s the House party and the Southern party, which are the dominant forces out there; they are the ones driving the dialogue. And the fact is that in the House party you’ve got people who come from homogeneous echo chambers in their districts and are concerned, most of them, only about primaries. The Southern party has a very different worldview from the rest of the country, and is not moved by broader national opinion. It is much more overtly hostile to Obama, and I suspect that race is a part of it.

Almost all of the people from those areas come from districts with at best a trace element of minority voters. If you look, even within the House, at all of those votes where Boehner tried to get bipartisan majorities, the ones at the end of last year and the beginning of this year: the fiscal cliff, Hurricane Sandy, Violence Against Women Act, the ones who voted against him consistently, the vast number of them, were from the South.

These are not people moved so much by presidential politics or presidential elections, so it’s going to be a tough nut to crack. And it’s tough as well because what incentive is there for Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin or a local radio talk show host to suddenly say, “Oh my God we’ve got to move back to the center.” The best way to get your audience larger and more consistent is to be more divisive and more radical and criticize those who cater to or kowtow to other forces. And the money is still much more driven over on that side, from multibillionaires and others, who themselves are more ideological, so it’s hard to see in the short run how we come out of this."

Ooh Very good source. LOL!

Norm Ornstein is a member of AEI - one of the premiere Conservative Think Tanks in the country. That is why you are al ill informed fuq - you don't even know who he or they are.

You really are a silly, non serious loser.

Get the fuck real... Norm Ornstein is no conservative!
Ornstein studies American politics and is a frequent contributor to The Washington Post and many magazines. He has written a weekly column for Roll Call since 1993, and is currently co-director, along with Thomas E. Mann, of the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project. He helped draft key parts of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act. Ornstein considers himself a centrist.

CENTRIST..... you understand? CENTRIST. McCain-Feingold, really.... anti-free speech. Campain reform? He is a fucking joke, just like you!

Get the fuck real... Norm Ornstein is no conservative!
Ornstein studies American politics and is a frequent contributor to The Washington Post and many magazines. He has written a weekly column for Roll Call since 1993, and is currently co-director, along with Thomas E. Mann, of the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project. He helped draft key parts of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act. Ornstein considers himself a centrist.

CENTRIST..... you understand? CENTRIST. McCain-Feingold, really.... anti-free speech. Campain reform? He is a fucking joke, just like you!

I told you that this study has you nailed. I am glad that you think that he isn't conservative enough for you. He describes you well in the article you should read it. Below is a part of the analysis that describes Republicans like him We think you inbred, cousin breeding, old, white, Southern fat, evangelicals are Neanderthal throw backs.

"Moderates: Silent But Critical Minority

Perhaps the most interesting part of the Democracy Corps’ analysis concerned the Republicans who have not yet been heard in the Obamacare war and federal shutdown, the 25 percent of the party that call themselves political moderates. “While they are firm Republicans, some have started splitting their tickets,” the report said, referring to voting for a mix of GOP and non-GOP candidates.

The biggest divide between the moderates and hard right was over social issues, with moderates saying that they don’t understand why their party has made opposition to gay marriage and rights such a priority. Several women said that Planned Parenthood was a valuable organization that offered badly needed services. “It does so much more than that [abortion] that they don’t get credit for,” a North Carolina woman said. “I mean it just offers people options; it offers a lot of edcation,” another woman from North Carolina said.

The red-state moderates also disagreed with the right’s opposition to immigration reform—even if it was for selfish reasons. “If we’re not going to embrace some sort of path to citizenship, we’re going to see the cost of a lot of services go up,” a woman from Raleigh said. “I need more customers. I need more people to sell to,” said a Colorado man, adding, “And the jobs they did…we won’t do.”

The Republican moderates were concerned about big government, complaining about “waste,” “inefficiency,” “regulations,”and “red tape.” But they saw a federal role in social progress, citing the civil rights and women’s movements. And they also wanted to see Republicans in Congress compromise and move on.

“It doesn’t ever seem like we get to that kind of a middle ground,” a North Carolina woman said. “My concern… [is] the leaders can’t get together,” said another woman from her state. And when it came to Obamacare’s impact, they were more concerned about how it might affect their families—not how it was leading to a perceived decline of American civilization.

“I can’t sell my kids on this party,” said a man from Colorado Springs. “I agree with… some of their positions. But the stupid things… for instance, the rape crap they were saying [raped women will not get pregnant]… I can’t sell them on my party. The kids are smart. They know the stupid politicians are saying crap.”

He is a self-described centrist, NOT CONSERVATIVE.... Translation spineless jelly-fish.

Read his article. It's funny that your comments proves that he describes you perfectly and it is how the moderates in the party feel about you and now, it is the way most of the people in the country feel about you.

When the Tea Party splits off and forms a 3rd Party you will feel very welcome there. Of course, you kill the GOP for a few years and you'll never influence anyone or anything again but hey, you'll have fun doing it. And you and your fellow morons can tell each other that you are all very smart and protecting the Constitution.

You can all stand very close together, if the rest of us are lucky, you can all implode into a black hole of ignorance and bigotry.

Read his article. It's funny that your comments proves that he describes you perfectly and it is how the moderates in the party feel about you and now, it is the way most of the people in the country feel about you.

When the Tea Party splits off and forms a 3rd Party you will feel very welcome there. Of course, you kill the GOP for a few years and you'll never influence anyone or anything again but hey, you'll have fun doing it. And you and your fellow morons can tell each other that you are all very smart and protecting the Constitution.

You can all stand very close together, if the rest of us are lucky, you can all implode into a black hole of ignorance and bigotry.

If the GOP no longer stands for conservative principles, then what's the point? The term moderates and centrist means nothing.... They stand for nothing and they vote democrat 9 times out of 10 anyway. What is so bigoted about standing for limited government, The Constitution and freedom? You are fucking clueless!

If the GOP no longer stands for conservative principles, then what's the point? The term moderates and centrist means nothing.... They stand for nothing and they vote democrat 9 times out of 10 anyway. What is so bigoted about standing for limited government, The Constitution and freedom? You are fucking clueless!

Exactly. How does it feel to be so predictable? You don't even read it do you? YOu know what you will not? Because they give real examples of other idiots like you.

You are a self parody. They could make an entire TV series centered around a character like you.