So the rumor is Sun is rolling out a non-compete for us to sign. Anyone have details?
So the rumor is Sun is rolling out a non-compete for us to sign. Anyone have details?
If they are smart we will all be signing at the NSM. SO IF YOU ARE HUNTING ANY OFFERS GET EM IN NOW. Just kidding. The only thing that is a bigger joke than non-competes is SUN.
If you are employed by Sun Industries, Sun Pharma Inc. or any of the subsidiaries of these then you signed and agreed to a non-compete clause. If you go to work for a competitor you should know that Sun will prosecute fully both the employee and employer in violation to the fullest extent of the law. Sun today posted United States gains of over 10% over the same period last year. An organization with this aggressive a growth and penetration rate will protect it’s United States investment fully and by all means. You are warned.