Non Compete


Historically, how aggressive has Zimmer been enforcing Non-Competes?? Lowly Sales Associate here looking to take on a full-line role with a different company in a territory I've worked in before...Thanks

Historically, how aggressive has Zimmer been enforcing Non-Competes?? Lowly Sales Associate here looking to take on a full-line role with a different company in a territory I've worked in before...Thanks

You need to review your NCA and be sure to provide a copy to your prospective employer. You need to keep it transparent with them and know that if you are in violation of the NCA you have with Zimmer, it can be enforced. The only party that can be hurt, is you. Be smart and protect yourself as much as possible. Good luck!

The problem with non-competes is really not their enforceability, but more so the fact that you have to defend yourself if you get sued. Most non-competes are not valid for numerous reasons, with the most prevelent being that if the former employer is not paying you, then they cant enforce it and prohibit you from working. Secondly, the stipulations are way too broad and basically would prohibit you from earning a living if it were valid. So, is the real concern that the non-compete will be binding? Not really. The concern is if your prior employer is on an ego trip and has the funds to blow, he'll sue you and it'll cost you AT LEAST $15K-20K in legal fees to defend it and win.

The key word is "before". I doubt action would be taken, nor would it be enforceable, if it is not the territory you currently occupy. Have you thought about talking to your distributor about this offer?