Nobel Prize winner

Is Krugman running for president (especially after his lovely 9/11 editorial)? Talking heads and union leaders can be inflammatory. For leaders, it is possible to make your case with diplomacy and tact. I expect a president to take a stand on what they believe, what they think is best for the country, but there is no purpose served by Perry's approach except to make the other side defensive and resistant. This doesn't work when they have to come to consensus to get anything done. This is how obama established his office and why no one is going to give him an inch now that he can't demand it and ram it through. We don't need a VP calling his opponents terrorists and barbarians, or a president calling them the enemy or questioning their patriotism because their views disagree. No, I don't want more of the same but just with the other side in charge.

Is Krugman running for president (especially after his lovely 9/11 editorial)? Talking heads and union leaders can be inflammatory. For leaders, it is possible to make your case with diplomacy and tact. I expect a president to take a stand on what they believe, what they think is best for the country, but there is no purpose served by Perry's approach except to make the other side defensive and resistant. This doesn't work when they have to come to consensus to get anything done. This is how obama established his office and why no one is going to give him an inch now that he can't demand it and ram it through. We don't need a VP calling his opponents terrorists and barbarians, or a president calling them the enemy or questioning their patriotism because their views disagree. No, I don't want more of the same but just with the other side in charge.

The next 13 months will be the longest of OBlahBlah's life.