• We apologize for the intermittent downtime on the site as we work through some technical difficulties.

No significant posts in a week, CF RIP


If CF management tries to make the argument that the new format "works" and provides a better experience, they are just plain smoking crack. The new format has caused people to stop posting their experiences with various companies, and provide helpful information about our industry. No one was complaining about the old format. So, it lends the question did CF change things in response to pressure from either their growing number of advertisers or from the very companies people were posting about? One thing is for sure, CF in a way sold out, and has gone the route the bullshit, abusive companies people speak about on this board. They tow a horseshit line about "a better user experience". When we all know the new format does not foster a better experience. They lie and say "everyone seems to like the new format." But, in reality there are nothing but complaints about it. CF tries to make people believe that there are only a few people complaining and they those people are posting multiple times to make it seem like the community at large is complaining. Again, a complete lie. CF was a great resource for the dental sales community, the ability to be heard, to air your experiences, to connect with others who maybe experiencing abuse, or illegal treatment at work. Most importantly it gave a voice to the voiceless. But that is over now. CF was great, my hope is someone else comes along and comes up with a much better alternative. Right now CF has let a lot of people down.

  • cafead   Jun 15, 2011 at 09:54: AM
CF was a great resource for the dental sales community, the ability to be heard, to air your experiences, to connect with others who maybe experiencing abuse, or illegal treatment at work. Most importantly it gave a voice to the voiceless.

All still very true.

The way you are complaining, I am starting to think that you are the same guy who connected every single thread to some complaint about Niznick or Keystone, and letting the world know that everyone who doesn't work for Nobel Biocare is obviously a complete idiot and wasting their time even trying to sell against them.

If you don't the boards, which you have already made perfectly clear, then stop posting on them. Stop wasting our time with your whiny posts. Everyone understands you aren't happy. I pity your sales manager...

The way you are complaining, I am starting to think that you are the same guy who connected every single thread to some complaint about Niznick or Keystone, and letting the world know that everyone who doesn't work for Nobel Biocare is obviously a complete idiot and wasting their time even trying to sell against them.

If you don't the boards, which you have already made perfectly clear, then stop posting on them. Stop wasting our time with your whiny posts. Everyone understands you aren't happy. I pity your sales manager...

Thanks Sarah!

The comments and feedback about the format switch are falling on dead ears. Its almost the same as providing feedback and comments to management at a POS dental company. Too arrogant to listen to what people are saying.

  • cafead   Jun 17, 2011 at 10:13: AM
The comments and feedback about the format switch are falling on dead ears. Its almost the same as providing feedback and comments to management at a POS dental company. Too arrogant to listen to what people are saying.

All the emails we've received have been positive, except for one. The board comments are obviously coming from one user. If you don't like it, no one is making you stay here.

All the emails we've received have been positive, except for one. The board comments are obviously coming from one user. If you don't like it, no one is making you stay here.

What can't you post today that you could before the change?

Its really up to the users to keep this site fresh.

Haven't looked at Cafepharma dental companies in a while. Format is not the reason I've lost interest.

The boards have turned into profane, name-calling rants. Good for a laugh or two, but not worth posting anything. The threads degenerate quickly, like the Osteohealth or Zahn threads.

Better quality posts are what's needed. Put moderators on the dental threads, like on the pharma threads, and clean out the profanity before it turns this whole site into trash. Keep the discussion focused on industry trends, and legitimate criticisms of companies and their products or strategies, not on trashing co-workers.

Haven't looked at Cafepharma dental companies in a while. Format is not the reason I've lost interest.

The boards have turned into profane, name-calling rants. Good for a laugh or two, but not worth posting anything. The threads degenerate quickly, like the Osteohealth or Zahn threads.

Better quality posts are what's needed. Put moderators on the dental threads, like on the pharma threads, and clean out the profanity before it turns this whole site into trash. Keep the discussion focused on industry trends, and legitimate criticisms of companies and their products or strategies, not on trashing co-workers.

Great comment - I recommend that you be the moderator for the dental threads.

I have been on these boards for four years, and I have just recently stopped coming here due to the format. I have only a few minutes to spend gossiping, and having to bounce between 5 different pages to read a few threads - which may or may not be updated - is too much. I have dropped my time here almost to zero.

Just came back to see responses to the Dentsply / Astra merger.

If CF management tries to make the argument that the new format "works" and provides a better experience, they are just plain smoking crack. The new format has caused people to stop posting their experiences with various companies, and provide helpful information about our industry. No one was complaining about the old format. So, it lends the question did CF change things in response to pressure from either their growing number of advertisers or from the very companies people were posting about? One thing is for sure, CF in a way sold out, and has gone the route the bullshit, abusive companies people speak about on this board. They tow a horseshit line about "a better user experience". When we all know the new format does not foster a better experience. They lie and say "everyone seems to like the new format." But, in reality there are nothing but complaints about it. CF tries to make people believe that there are only a few people complaining and they those people are posting multiple times to make it seem like the community at large is complaining. Again, a complete lie. CF was a great resource for the dental sales community, the ability to be heard, to air your experiences, to connect with others who maybe experiencing abuse, or illegal treatment at work. Most importantly it gave a voice to the voiceless. But that is over now. CF was great, my hope is someone else comes along and comes up with a much better alternative. Right now CF has let a lot of people down.

Maybe people aren't bitching because implant reps have the best career in the world!!!
I mean seriously, who needs to be in a real man's world, working in an OR with a doc with the initials "MD" after his name...
I mean seriously, look at all of those suckers in the medical device board bitching about how bad their life is.

Maybe people aren't bitching because implant reps have the best career in the world!!!
I mean seriously, who needs to be in a real man's world, working in an OR with a doc with the initials "MD" after his name...
I mean seriously, look at all of those suckers in the medical device board bitching about how bad their life is.

Yes, I love implants too, but the industry is not what it use to be. 10 years ago, this was a cushy job, a lot of entertaining clients, dinners, and golfing, but now, all I do is prospect, work the territory and close the sale, and for what?... a little base salary, and even less bonus money. I am working harder today than 10 years ago and I am earning less money! My expenses account is closely monitered and what really kills me, is that if I exceed my quota, the company will just up my quota next year to a point where it will be difficult to attain. Yes I love implants, but for the life of me, I do not know why!

"I exceed my quota, the company will just up my quota next year to a point where it will be difficult to attain."

The GENIUS implant rep mentality.

"Yes I love implants, but for the life of me, I do not know why!"

You are a stupid, desperate wimp with limited abilty and No Balls to go do something else that matters, that's why.

You have peaked in your career life. From today on, it's all about yesterday's glory and a downhill ride into dental oblivion. Remember, over a million applied and only 10% of applicants were hired by McDonalds, mostly I suspect unemployable dental reps.

Better hurry up, get up early, disrupt your family and drive a couple hours in your own vehicle to smile widely and lick an ass to deliver an impression coping to some ungrateful asshole making 20x what you do.

YOU deserve implants.

"I exceed my quota, the company will just up my quota next year to a point where it will be difficult to attain."

The GENIUS implant rep mentality.

"Yes I love implants, but for the life of me, I do not know why!"

You are a stupid, desperate wimp with limited abilty and No Balls to go do something else that matters, that's why.

You have peaked in your career life. From today on, it's all about yesterday's glory and a downhill ride into dental oblivion. Remember, over a million applied and only 10% of applicants were hired by McDonalds, mostly I suspect unemployable dental reps.

Better hurry up, get up early, disrupt your family and drive a couple hours in your own vehicle to smile widely and lick an ass to deliver an impression coping to some ungrateful asshole making 20x what you do.

YOU deserve implants.

Wow - take a chill pill.

Yes, I love implants too, but the industry is not what it use to be. 10 years ago, this was a cushy job, a lot of entertaining clients, dinners, and golfing, but now, all I do is prospect, work the territory and close the sale, and for what?... a little base salary, and even less bonus money. I am working harder today than 10 years ago and I am earning less money! My expenses account is closely monitered and what really kills me, is that if I exceed my quota, the company will just up my quota next year to a point where it will be difficult to attain. Yes I love implants, but for the life of me, I do not know why!

Here are what 8 of your implant sales colleagues did to get out of this rut.
