No one ever told me....

are you serious? You must be really green. It's sales...most of your days are like this throughout the industry. Once you become more of an asset to your docs you won't feel like you are hounding them. Your goal should be to make them happy to see you. There are some docs you do feel like you are hounding but those are the competitive accounts you are usually trying to convert. It's just part of the can try to get an appointment but that usually fails unless you have a really new technology. They don't realize they actually need you/your product yet so of course you feel like an outsider.

just gotta find your way in the circle.

This has to be a joke?!?!?! If it's not, then whoever the cock knuckle is that hired you should be fired!!! No wonder they say EES is for neophytes.

Fuck off tough guy!! Do you like showing up unannounced when you were not invited. You're not weak for admitting that u don't. Just sack up and admit it! Sure it's part of sales but PART is the key word not 24 fucking 7.

I don't mind doing it because I've done it my whole career but the extent does bother me especially when the job was portrayed totally different in great detail during the hiring process. Oh, and I guess I was supposed to do my own homework right? Excuse me for trusting my now manager

Now, make a smart ass reply to demonstrate how your such a cool salesperson and I'm whatever

Is this post about EWHU. I heard that is like another pharma company, and they have to use sales aids and do weekly trackers. I always wanted to work for J&J, but some of these posts are very nasty.

Fuck off tough guy!! Do you like showing up unannounced when you were not invited. You're not weak for admitting that u don't. Just sack up and admit it! Sure it's part of sales but PART is the key word not 24 fucking 7.

I don't mind doing it because I've done it my whole career but the extent does bother me especially when the job was portrayed totally different in great detail during the hiring process. Oh, and I guess I was supposed to do my own homework right? Excuse me for trusting my now manager

Now, make a smart ass reply to demonstrate how your such a cool salesperson and I'm whatever

Someone has an inferiority complex. If you feel that threatened maybe you should move on to a real medical device company and see if you have the stones instead of working for a glorified pharma company that survices by bundling contracts and has seen better days.

Someone has an inferiority complex. If you feel that threatened maybe you should move on to a real medical device company and see if you have the stones instead of working for a glorified pharma company that survices by bundling contracts and has seen better days.

HaHa Ha. I knew it! Typical response..."Have the stones," etc.

Why is it that if anyone comments in a "negative" way that it's always perceived that their nuts aren't big enough. Expand your mind jackass. You must be young and still think you have to prove yourself in sales. You must have big hairy balls and are not afraid of anything. I'd bounce your ass out of my OR so fast if you came in with an attitude or were to aggresive.. You know it and I know it.

People, stop trying to prove yourself! Your simply missing my point

HaHa Ha. I knew it! Typical response..."Have the stones," etc.

Why is it that if anyone comments in a "negative" way that it's always perceived that their nuts aren't big enough. Expand your mind jackass. You must be young and still think you have to prove yourself in sales. You must have big hairy balls and are not afraid of anything. I'd bounce your ass out of my OR so fast if you came in with an attitude or were to aggresive.. You know it and I know it.

People, stop trying to prove yourself! Your simply missing my point

Actually, you need to stop expanding your mind where it is going...or do you just love guys nuts too much? You sound like such a loose cannon, I cannot imagine how you could fit into any OR let alone bounce anyone out of one. Take a hike, junior.

GO Back to your basement and play with yourself! You are just in IDIOT!!
Withg the requirements today of diagnostic companies to make sure you are busy enough and "ON THE JOB" its always a toss up to make the required amount of calls vs. actually selling customers on your product!