No National Sales Meeting


Anyone curious as to why they didn't even both to tell us there would be no National Sales Meeting? Coming from a few good sources at home office, it was determined that it would be detrimental to have a meeting that would allow for employees across the country to get together and ultimately talk about all the negative things happening as well as sharing job prospects. They are giving it some time to see how many resignations there will eventually be and then start phase two of consolidation. On the initial chopping block will RBD's with districts of little or no business, potential areas to double up on using one KAM, and TBS's with no business. They don't care about the employees here and there will be no severance.


Anyone curious as to why they didn't even both to tell us there would be no National Sales Meeting? Coming from a few good sources at home office, it was determined that it would be detrimental to have a meeting that would allow for employees across the country to get together and ultimately talk about all the negative things happening as well as sharing job prospects. They are giving it some time to see how many resignations there will eventually be and then start phase two of consolidation. On the initial chopping block will RBD's with districts of little or no business, potential areas to double up on using one KAM, and TBS's with no business. They don't care about the employees here and there will be no severance.

I’m planning to stay and see what happens. At a previous company, a similar approach was taken (i.e. organic downsizing) and I decided to leave.

I regret that decision as, a few months later, things rapidly turned the proverbial corner. Nothing wrong with either decision; gotta do what’s best for you. It’s all a game of risk anyways.

Anyone curious as to why they didn't even both to tell us there would be no National Sales Meeting? Coming from a few good sources at home office, it was determined that it would be detrimental to have a meeting that would allow for employees across the country to get together and ultimately talk about all the negative things happening as well as sharing job prospects. They are giving it some time to see how many resignations there will eventually be and then start phase two of consolidation. On the initial chopping block will RBD's with districts of little or no business, potential areas to double up on using one KAM, and TBS's with no business. They don't care about the employees here and there will be no severance.
TOTALLY FALSE POST! Who is your HQ contact? DISGRACEFUL posting!

Anyone curious as to why they didn't even both to tell us there would be no National Sales Meeting? Coming from a few good sources at home office, it was determined that it would be detrimental to have a meeting that would allow for employees across the country to get together and ultimately talk about all the negative things happening as well as sharing job prospects. They are giving it some time to see how many resignations there will eventually be and then start phase two of consolidation. On the initial chopping block will RBD's with districts of little or no business, potential areas to double up on using one KAM, and TBS's with no business. They don't care about the employees here and there will be no severance.

fake news! This is not true