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No Internal HR Talent


Just saw a posting from a retained search firm for a VP HR for PRD, working for Anne Kuhn. Wow! HR needs to go to the outside for talent?!?! That is some crackerjack succession planning! Hey wasn't HR Talent Development LF's job before she went to go work for Polo and then came back after they fired her?

HR is really leading by example in this one! I am sure all of the HR Directors are relieved to know that they have no real potential for advancement. Well done!

If J&J had any leadership they would shut down HR throughout the company. They are a drain on productivity, they add cost with their stupid high school intiatives, and they detract from value as opposed to adding value.

A one page list of no more than five personnel guidelines could be given to managers as the policy to follow by all levels of management.

The savings would be immediate and significant.

What, and go to an outsourced cluster fuck-up instead?

Hell no!!! Close them both; it is a toss up as to which is worse. Only need a five ppoint guideline...anything more is HR BS. The company sorely needs a lot less BS. HR is the focal point for time wasteing, non-productive, non-value added BS.

Hell no!!! Close them both; it is a toss up as to which is worse. Only need a five ppoint guideline...anything more is HR BS. The company sorely needs a lot less BS. HR is the focal point for time wasteing, non-productive, non-value added BS.

Really? If you listen to Stella, Laura, Helaine or Leslie you would think they are saving the whole company.

When did HR become full of people who have no business experience? It seems as if all the HR managers are just reading out of text books to handle cases

Because they are all 20'something HR generalists. What do you expect when J&J devoids itself from any talent by downsizing their way out of business? All that is left is minimum wagers.

Because they are all 20'something HR generalists. What do you expect when J&J devoids itself from any talent by downsizing their way out of business? All that is left is minimum wagers.

Laura F did a presentation at Rutgers yesterday on "Developing HR Talent at J&J". What a joke!!! She of all people has ZERO credibility in terms of developing talent. She takes credit for other people's work and what did she actually accomplish when she ran HR Talent Development? Senior HR talent are leaving the organization in droves, J&J is going to the outside to fill HR VP & Director positions and the same incompetent "Ladies of HR" are still in VP positions, taking up space and $$$.