No hiring freeze but layoffs are coming….are you serious CV?


This seems like it should be a cafe pharma lie but considering the arrogance and delusion of the 3 amigos it’s completely on brand.
I predict cuts by at least a third by Christmas.

I am one of those new hires… A job is better than no job at all, but I’d like to know the reality of what’s going on. I am worried that I’ll get a call right before training and the manager will say… “Sorry, we know that you left your old job, but now you no longer have a new job at Novartis!” There are new hires all across the country wondering the same thing…

I am one of those new hires… A job is better than no job at all, but I’d like to know the reality of what’s going on. I am worried that I’ll get a call right before training and the manager will say… “Sorry, we know that you left your old job, but now you no longer have a new job at Novartis!” There are new hires all across the country wondering the same thing…

There WILL be a layoff in the VERY near future.
WHEN? Time will tell.

The generic manufactures will introduce a generic by Feb 2024, the expiration of the first patent. Novartis will counter sue for patent infringement ...

The generics may lose and have to pay a fine. BUT, the fine is SMALL compared to the sales generated, so bottom line it is VERY profitable for the generic manufactures to do so. This is the cost of doing business. GENERATE a ton of profit and pay a small fine, still come out on top! The damage is done, no recovery after this. Patients and insurance want generics!

Now all sheeple who came over wishful thinking the corporate lies are true, you will likely be out of a job in the very near future. The upside is:
1) you likely got a pay increase coming over
2) you will get severance pay

You should use this temporary new job to continue your job hunt. 2024 is around the corner. If fate is kind to you, your next new job will start after March 2024.

Welcome to crap show.

I am one of those new hires… A job is better than no job at all, but I’d like to know the reality of what’s going on. I am worried that I’ll get a call right before training and the manager will say… “Sorry, we know that you left your old job, but now you no longer have a new job at Novartis!” There are new hires all across the country wondering the same thing…

that won’t happen - they screw everyone in bulk. There’s usually no rhyme or reason that makes sense customer facing roles in the rep cuts and geography alignments. ISS should worry if they are new and in newly created areas. css prob have 50% chance cut buy feb.

There WILL be a layoff in the VERY near future.
WHEN? Time will tell.

The generic manufactures will introduce a generic by Feb 2024, the expiration of the first patent. Novartis will counter sue for patent infringement ...

The generics may lose and have to pay a fine. BUT, the fine is SMALL compared to the sales generated, so bottom line it is VERY profitable for the generic manufactures to do so. This is the cost of doing business. GENERATE a ton of profit and pay a small fine, still come out on top! The damage is done, no recovery after this. Patients and insurance want generics!

Now all sheeple who came over wishful thinking the corporate lies are true, you will likely be out of a job in the very near future. The upside is:
1) you likely got a pay increase coming over
2) you will get severance pay

You should use this temporary new job to continue your job hunt. 2024 is around the corner. If fate is kind to you, your next new job will start after March 2024.

Welcome to crap show.

If you were hired as a Leqvio lead chances are your job is safe. If you are the Entresto lead, continue interviewing. Use Novartis the way they are using you!

Leq won't ever generate enough sales to support the existing Leqvio lead headcount.

An oral PCSK9 is around the corner, which will eat into sales.

There will likely be a small reduction of Leq leads and the territories made larger.


Leq won't ever generate enough sales to support the existing Leqvio lead headcount.

An oral PCSK9 is around the corner, which will eat into sales.

There will likely be a small reduction of Leq leads and the territories made larger.
The oral won’t just eat into sales. The oral means game over for all injectables and Leqvio reps.

The oral won’t just eat into sales. The oral means game over for all injectables and Leqvio reps.
Agreed, orals will hurt injectables across the board. Most pts will prefer to take a daily pill vs injectable (even twice a yr).

For seniors, Leq makes financial sense due to medical benefit vs pharmacy benefit. But this isn't a large enough market to EVER become profitable. $9.4BILLION is too large of a hole to fill.

Good drug. Ridiculous stupid purchase price.
The Novartis Way: common sense is anathema.

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