Classic example of bait and switch. The mangers come off as charismatic,passionate and like they care about the reps. All a huge fallacy. They flat out lied! I was never told I wasnt getting a credit card, but should have figured out how dis-organized they were when we had to pay for our OWN flights to the onboarding event. We were told we would be reimbursed the next week. I submitted my expense report the next day and it took a month to get the money. Reps already incurring late fees because managers nit pick report or send it back several times. My manger is delusional and text book example of Jekel and Hyde. Wanted me to do 15 lunches by the end of the year for a total of $5,400 a year. I told him that wasn't an option! I wasn't putting that on my personal card. They lied about car reimbursment that it would be $1,200 a month and mine barley covers my payment and insurance. The gas is only 16cents instead of industry standard of 24 cents. They lied about my territory the hub is 2 hours one way thats 4 hours of driving 3 to 4 days a week some reps have 3 states. There will be a mass exodus out of this company in the next 3 months.