No commission summer months


I have been with LabCorp under a year I heard nobody makes commission in the summer. I just looked at my Juns pay out and massive nose dive. Is this realistic or just an off month. I can’t imsgine July will be better. I took a significant pay cut to move here firstly I had no idea that the job was nothing like it was described and secondly I thought commissions would be solid. I can’t live on a base salary. Can someone speak with truth to summer commissions.

LCA does not pay commissions. They throw a bonus your way once in awhile but it’s never directly related to your efforts. Great system for the company but not for a rep worth their weight in salt.
Nice place to sit back and retire but if you have ability and like to sell, get out. Territory fluctuations are excused as “weather issues”, “summer vacations” and or billing issues. Loved it when they said “oh just wait,poor months will help you number next month”!!! What a joke. Glad to be gone.

After the virus episode in the last few weeks won't be any commissions in my territory until I convince the clients to come back. How the hell does that happen anyway? Oh yeah, IT is as incompetent as the rest of this place.

If you are close to a year, dust off the resume and rev up the network to find a job with a better company( most are)... no reason to spend more time here and if you stay too long, that is not good either. Plenty of former LCA out there that will tell you there is life after LabCorp.

So, unless you have years, and years, in at Labcorp and you're riding out your time, along with having a decent base salary from all those years with the company one has to wonder what would make you accept an offer from Labcorp. There is nothing redeeming about the place. Don't ever expect to make commission. You're at the mercy of billing adjustments and accounts that quit, go on vacation, etc. in your territory, and ask any Sales Manager to explain exactly how the commission plan works, they won't be able to do it. Bottom line, commission is set up so if you get lucky and get a good commission check one month, you can be sure it won't happen again the month after that. Don't think your new sales in any way affects your commission checks either, you can never sell in a month more than the over all billing adjustments that are decided on a level way above you each month. I suggest you go home and find a new line of work and don't go back. Eventually someone will figure out you're gone and ask for the car back.

So, unless you have years, and years, in at Labcorp and you're riding out your time, along with having a decent base salary from all those years with the company one has to wonder what would make you accept an offer from Labcorp. There is nothing redeeming about the place. Don't ever expect to make commission. You're at the mercy of billing adjustments and accounts that quit, go on vacation, etc. in your territory, and ask any Sales Manager to explain exactly how the commission plan works, they won't be able to do it. Bottom line, commission is set up so if you get lucky and get a good commission check one month, you can be sure it won't happen again the month after that. Don't think your new sales in any way affects your commission checks either, you can never sell in a month more than the over all billing adjustments that are decided on a level way above you each month. I suggest you go home and find a new line of work and don't go back. Eventually someone will figure out you're gone and ask for the car back.

Poster above is 100% accurate in explaining “commissions”. To add to that: Prepare to have Medicaid adjustments that will take a 30k Account to negative 40k and you research and find that client doesn’t even submit Medicaid! Bring it up to management and prepare to never get a answer. Don’t forget the auto 5% bad debt automatically applied before you get screwed by all the above. SME have existing business loaded into their territory, so why work your butt off in 100 degree weather to takeaway business from Quest or BioReference when your not paid for it?!?! 9K+monthly quota and to get paid off of it your 1000s of clients in your zips have to be over 95% retention! Lastly, the KAE’s are now desk jockeys filling out spreadsheets for the multi level of managers who don’t give a #%!* about you. Especially if your in the Houston market! Any rep in Houston that does not have tire track scars on their backs from being constantly thrown under the bus, get ready! The management team in Houston are the most spineless, ignorant and useless I have ever seen!

Poster above is 100% accurate in explaining “commissions”. To add to that: Prepare to have Medicaid adjustments that will take a 30k Account to negative 40k and you research and find that client doesn’t even submit Medicaid! Bring it up to management and prepare to never get a answer. Don’t forget the auto 5% bad debt automatically applied before you get screwed by all the above. SME have existing business loaded into their territory, so why work your butt off in 100 degree weather to takeaway business from Quest or BioReference when your not paid for it?!?! 9K+monthly quota and to get paid off of it your 1000s of clients in your zips have to be over 95% retention! Lastly, the KAE’s are now desk jockeys filling out spreadsheets for the multi level of managers who don’t give a #%!* about you. Especially if your in the Houston market! Any rep in Houston that does not have tire track scars on their backs from being constantly thrown under the bus, get ready! The management team in Houston are the most spineless, ignorant and useless I have ever seen!

Houston is garbage. But Dallas is far worse!!