No Big Deal


Will there be a National, Area, Regional, or person specific email sent to the remaining DBMs/ reps highlighting all of these Resignations from the field?
Or will it just go without mention?

what a joke of a company.

Congrats to everyone who left


Will there be a National, Area, Regional, or person specific email sent to the remaining DBMs/ reps highlighting all of these Resignations from the field?
Or will it just go without mention?

what a joke of a company.

Congrats to everyone who left
They don’t care. How many left??? Some of us loved this company and were forced out.

Novo thought that the pandemic will force people to stay in one place. They didn’t expect this outflux. Serves them right. Let good people go, discriminating randomly even though they say they didn’t. Now the best folks are leaving, clearly indicating that a lot of companies respect experience and relationships. In yours Doug and Brian.

I heard that big Richard is getting the Obesity Manager Position. Is there any truth to this?
Also heard that 27 have left The Big East since last week. Is this what leadership is hoping for?