Nightly numbers

What's the point of sending in numbers every so for night when your DVP can simply pull the same info from HC-1 in half the time?

Because they are lazy and Rob is stupid. And the DVP will swallow whatever Rob tells them to do. Because if I was a dvp I would do it in half the time on hc1 and have everyone send me an email with a specific subject line for everyone so that I could forward that to a separate folder and forget about them. The DVPs will tire of the stupid extra no reason for it extra work, and then maybe something will change.

But the real reason Rob is making this happen is because you can't send numbers into your DVP unless they are in hc1. Therefore you must first put them in hc1 then send the numbers then the DVP double checks it and pass it on to Robbie who will of course check it. And then he will cherry pick those who are to be fired.

But until the DVPS grow a sack you will continue to pay a heavy price.

I agree with these post. Almost out of here. One or two more weeks and I can quit this insane assylum before they can fire me. This is the best motivator to sell something else I have ever had. Tox is dead and too time consuming. The clinics start and stop using you with little reason. Blah, blah, blah, at least at this nut hatchery


After you fill out your nightly numbers you can now become a member of the new book club sponsored/forced by Castle Medical. It's a 30 day free trial.... Then how much?

Please let me lay some more cash out of pocket for this company. First, pay for these doctors lunches out of your own paycheck and If you fill out all the correct online forms you are supposed to be reimbursed in The next 30days, right! Now a book club. C'mon, you people have truly lost your minds at Castle Emporium.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool them all the time. Get a life Castle Admin. You are reading to much of your on scripts. Get a life !!

Nobody has been able to figure this out. They said when we started the program they would be eliminating the nightly numbers but it has never happened. Feels like a control issue.