

Just heard the new TV commercial. Let's see, time released niacin and "a bile acid binding resin" hmmmm how much did it cost to develop a drug like this? A Senior Research Chemist from Harvard should be able to whip it up in 3 months.

30 years later, we are still waiting. And it costs the company 20+ million per year, plus all the collateral damage. All of the ten thousand+ lives severely disrupted, or in some cases terminated (intentional or not, even at the executive level) ... the distinguished gentleman from Lou'ville should step down.

There is damage, yes, that is obvious. But the "LOST OPPORTUNITIES" cost is probably greater than $100 BILLION/year. Please please, step down. Bright young competent people who were lied to about long careers and were uprooted and dragged through the worst despair are waiting ... please, step down, John. What is the succession plan?

Look at the bright side. At least were not living in a world where Steve Paul has to go without full retirement. (At the expense of others). I wouldn't want to live in a world where he didn't get his.

Look at the bright side. At least were not living in a world where Steve Paul has to go without full retirement. (At the expense of others). I wouldn't want to live in a world where he didn't get his.

Succession plan? Why do you think Sidney has been at LCC so much? We've already had "The Fellowship" and "The Two Towers." Its time for "Return of the King."