next up to bat....diabetes and respiratory


....will be diabetes division, or respiratory, or both! Yes, which month in 2017? Hmmm, Farxiga won't do well enough to keep deep have maybe 6 months - tops.
OR, in an ironic,comical twist, BMS will buy the AZ diabetes division for several billion less than we paid for ( their diabetes division. ) Ha! Don't count it out!


....will be diabetes division, or respiratory, or both! Yes, which month in 2017? Hmmm, Farxiga won't do well enough to keep deep have maybe 6 months - tops.
OR, in an ironic,comical twist, BMS will buy the AZ diabetes division for several billion less than we paid for ( their diabetes division. ) Ha! Don't count it out!

Respiratory will be killed when Symbicort goes generic

....will be diabetes division, or respiratory, or both! Yes, which month in 2017? Hmmm, Farxiga won't do well enough to keep deep have maybe 6 months - tops.
OR, in an ironic,comical twist, BMS will buy the AZ diabetes division for several billion less than we paid for ( their diabetes division. ) Ha! Don't count it out!

Diabetes has become a commodity market. How many sales people do you need to give your drug away?

Agree- and as I forecasted and came true, cuts were just made with specialty with duplicative role. Same will happen with ESS as their role can easily be replced by DSS in same geog who used to call on same endos. No need for ESS and will be next on the chopping block- mark my word!

Agree- and as I forecasted and came true, cuts were just made with specialty with duplicative role. Same will happen with ESS as their role can easily be replced by DSS in same geog who used to call on same endos. No need for ESS and will be next on the chopping block- mark my word!

The entire ZS share of voice bullshit that they sold to every Pharma company is the greatest con job ever pulled on any business in history. Pharma bought it hook line and sinker and the greatest imitator network of CEO led us down the road of size is all that matters. Now the customers were telling us to knock it off and when we didn't they retaliated by shutting off access. So in all of our brilliance, we trained people how to get around their wishes and rules to the point of totally pissing them off and destroying what little sense of respect they once held for us. So now we have an army of gatekeepers who are trained to keep us away from their physicians. What does AZ do? We create all of these so called specialty roles with fancy titles to gain access.
Now we end up with 5 to 7 sales reps each with a manager. Now the office gatekeepers hate us and degrade us because they are having to turn away 1 or 2 AZ reps per day and Managers two or three per week. And since AZ is just one of many Drug companies deploying this same strategy, even the patients in the waiting room hate us because we are taking up seats and their best magazines waiting for that all precious sample signature or bringing in huge catered meals that the patients think they are paying for with their outrageous drug prices. And we wonder why none of this works any longer. News Flash, it hasn't worked for over a decade and all we did was make it worse.

Agree- and as I forecasted and came true, cuts were just made with specialty with duplicative role. Same will happen with ESS as their role can easily be replced by DSS in same geog who used to call on same endos. No need for ESS and will be next on the chopping block- mark my word!

Now that Todd S. has been let go, I wouldn't be surprised to see ESS go next......

The entire ZS share of voice bullshit that they sold to every Pharma company is the greatest con job ever pulled on any business in history. Pharma bought it hook line and sinker and the greatest imitator network of CEO led us down the road of size is all that matters. Now the customers were telling us to knock it off and when we didn't they retaliated by shutting off access. So in all of our brilliance, we trained people how to get around their wishes and rules to the point of totally pissing them off and destroying what little sense of respect they once held for us. So now we have an army of gatekeepers who are trained to keep us away from their physicians. What does AZ do? We create all of these so called specialty roles with fancy titles to gain access.
Now we end up with 5 to 7 sales reps each with a manager. Now the office gatekeepers hate us and degrade us because they are having to turn away 1 or 2 AZ reps per day and Managers two or three per week. And since AZ is just one of many Drug companies deploying this same strategy, even the patients in the waiting room hate us because we are taking up seats and their best magazines waiting for that all precious sample signature or bringing in huge catered meals that the patients think they are paying for with their outrageous drug prices. And we wonder why none of this works any longer. News Flash, it hasn't worked for over a decade and all we did was make it worse.
All true and this is what creates the all day lie. So corporate thinks they are getting 8-9 calls a day. Really 2-3

Nooooooo stop DSS again....LET IT GO!!

Really? You can honestly say you feel secure? You do nothing different than what the DSS team was doing three years ago. I could care less what happens to you guys, I'm just stating the obvious. The company has eliminated neuro, respritory and CV/MET spec. They also axed Topher which was followed up by a layoff in diabetes. Now that Snook is gone...history could be repeating itself. ESS doesn't have protected status, but we all know you guys think your something special. News flash, your "leader" is no longer in a position to champion your value to the company.

Really? You can honestly say you feel secure? You do nothing different than what the DSS team was doing three years ago. I could care less what happens to you guys, I'm just stating the obvious. The company has eliminated neuro, respritory and CV/MET spec. They also axed Topher which was followed up by a layoff in diabetes. Now that Snook is gone...history could be repeating itself. ESS doesn't have protected status, but we all know you guys think your something special. News flash, your "leader" is no longer in a position to champion your value to the company.

I am not ESS but this brain child was not that of TS, although he was their champion for sure. It was in part the CEO, who could not understand how AZ did not have a sp. team designated to Endos like other companies. Truthfully, I still believe they may be next in late 2017.

....will be diabetes division, or respiratory, or both! Yes, which month in 2017? Hmmm, Farxiga won't do well enough to keep deep have maybe 6 months - tops.
OR, in an ironic,comical twist, BMS will buy the AZ diabetes division for several billion less than we paid for ( their diabetes division. ) Ha! Don't count it out!

Folks, just look at the balance sheet. AZ is loosing money faster then it can cut jobs. Restructuring is the only way it can saitsfy the stockholders and stop the bleeding. For now. Ask yourself, would you reccomend someone to work here?

The entire ZS share of voice bullshit that they sold to every Pharma company is the greatest con job ever pulled on any business in history. Pharma bought it hook line and sinker and the greatest imitator network of CEO led us down the road of size is all that matters. Now the customers were telling us to knock it off and when we didn't they retaliated by shutting off access. So in all of our brilliance, we trained people how to get around their wishes and rules to the point of totally pissing them off and destroying what little sense of respect they once held for us. So now we have an army of gatekeepers who are trained to keep us away from their physicians. What does AZ do? We create all of these so called specialty roles with fancy titles to gain access.
Now we end up with 5 to 7 sales reps each with a manager. Now the office gatekeepers hate us and degrade us because they are having to turn away 1 or 2 AZ reps per day and Managers two or three per week. And since AZ is just one of many Drug companies deploying this same strategy, even the patients in the waiting room hate us because we are taking up seats and their best magazines waiting for that all precious sample signature or bringing in huge catered meals that the patients think they are paying for with their outrageous drug prices. And we wonder why none of this works any longer. News Flash, it hasn't worked for over a decade and all we did was make it worse.
What a brilliant dumbfuck... Same as it was 15 years ago buttercup! Get a real job and stop whining!

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