Next step Duschesnay Women's Health


Sooo......Skype interviews were held this weekend throughout the country . . nearly 78 footprints or sales territories throughout the US to sell Diclegis . . . offer letters will be coming out in the next 48 hours with all positions filled by Tuesday, April 16 at 5pm (east coast).

Your thoughts on the process, salary, size of territory, likelihood of the launch being a success . . . did you get the job? explain

Sooo......Skype interviews were held this weekend throughout the country . . nearly 78 footprints or sales territories throughout the US to sell Diclegis . . . offer letters will be coming out in the next 48 hours with all positions filled by Tuesday, April 16 at 5pm (east coast).

Your thoughts on the process, salary, size of territory, likelihood of the launch being a success . . . did you get the job? explain

You must have not read the other Duchesnay threads here on CP. They went to the low end of the salary range (typical Publicis); territories are huge and car allowance on the low end; already folks are saying (how do they know is beyond me) that the launch meeting is going to be a nightmare; competition are generics; someone said the price of the drug is sky high; and no commitment by the company because of the short contract (8 months). As others have said, they have a chance to really do something special with the launch of this drug if they don't let a big pharma mentality come in and ruin it. The launch meeting will give you guys a good idea about the company and where the drug is going.

I'll stay right where I am for the time being. Good luck to all the new hires!

You must have not read the other Duchesnay threads here on CP. They went to the low end of the salary range (typical Publicis); territories are huge and car allowance on the low end; already folks are saying (how do they know is beyond me) that the launch meeting is going to be a nightmare; competition are generics; someone said the price of the drug is sky high; and no commitment by the company because of the short contract (8 months). As others have said, they have a chance to really do something special with the launch of this drug if they don't let a big pharma mentality come in and ruin it. The launch meeting will give you guys a good idea about the company and where the drug is going.

I'll stay right where I am for the time being. Good luck to all the new hires!

Pretty much says it all. Time will tell where this contract is going.

Sooo......Skype interviews were held this weekend throughout the country . . nearly 78 footprints or sales territories throughout the US to sell Diclegis . . . offer letters will be coming out in the next 48 hours with all positions filled by Tuesday, April 16 at 5pm (east coast).

Your thoughts on the process, salary, size of territory, likelihood of the launch being a success . . . did you get the job? explain

Where did this information come from? Still no word. Has anyone that did a f to f do a Skype yet or get an offer?

I haven't heard a word since I interviewed a couple of weeks ago. I thought by now people would be replying here with offers or at least talking about how the skype interview went.

Sooo......Skype interviews were held this weekend throughout the country . . nearly 78 footprints or sales territories throughout the US to sell Diclegis . . . offer letters will be coming out in the next 48 hours with all positions filled by Tuesday, April 16 at 5pm (east coast).

Your thoughts on the process, salary, size of territory, likelihood of the launch being a success . . . did you get the job? explain

Someone's full of crap! No one had Skype over the weekend!

I'm out- just got the word from recruiter yesterday. Best of luck to everyone!

I turned down the recruiter. All the postings on CP about this contract are right on the money. Who knows, maybe duchesnay will launch it right, but I doubt it. My guess is that people will start to leave fairly quickly, for other companies.

I think the publicis recruiters do not know what they are doing non professional
and are only looking to fill the slots so they get paid...they do not care about any one..
they would all treat people different if they needed a job they are shooting fish in a barrel
due to all the downsizings.....this looks like one of the worst contract

Publicis needs to get their *S#@ together. This Verifications contractor doesn't know how let alone understand the process to role out the hire/offer letters or packets.

Someone needs to get-it together.

I think the publicis recruiters do not know what they are doing non professional
and are only looking to fill the slots so they get paid...they do not care about any one..
they would all treat people different if they needed a job they are shooting fish in a barrel
due to all the downsizings.....this looks like one of the worst contract

I would agree. . recruiters usu suck! and soooo demanding like a freakin realtor. Expect huge commissions and go on the hunt . . .lots of hurry up and wait too. Oh and another thing . . this whole Verifcations subcontractor for Publicis really sucks too! Total idiots. The offer letter process is totally backwards . . .hire on packets sent via email is such a disaster. Someone needs to get there shit together!

Publicis recruiters are the bottom of the barrel. I had one guy that was really good, but he's not there anymore. This contract will not last the 8 months. I also turned it down when the recruiter called me about it. I'm done with Publicis.

They had skype interviews over the weekend I was set up to have one on Sat and dropped out, because there is no way I would work on this contract. I feel sad for the people that are so desperate to have to take this job.

I'm right there with you. I got the offer, and am doing home study and this is one POS product. Any doctor would laugh you out of their office. I don't even know why this drug is by prescription when it's unisom and vitamin B6. Ondansetron 4mg (Zofran, Zofran ODT, Zuplenz) works better whether it is off label or not, and Phenergan they compound and you rub it on your wrist and nothing to put in your mouth and swallow or dissolve. No pregnant woman is going to take that many pills a day, hey if you like one pill then take two, or three, etc....Bow wow wow (that's what a dog drug sounds like)