Next ET members to be moved aside or out


Deck chairs, meet The Titanic. With need for cost-cutting and optimization, we threaten layoffs at the field level but reassign another boated ET member to a new assignment?
Now that is the NovoNordisk Way...

Folks, AA isn't going anywhere until the last casualty has been buried. He will deliver the bad news then be terminated. New VP comes in with clean slate and message of making NNI a great place again...undo the ills of the past. Just as AA blamed all on Pam, he successor will do the same.

very good point about the deck chairs and the Titanic.

That was Steve Noyes old position, it's NOT an ET level. When the recruiting process for that backfill began, it absolutely was not an ET level, just ask Tricia.

This is the first example of ET protecting themselves. Or ... it's Jakob throwing a bone. I'll bet on the latter.

very good point about the deck chairs and the Titanic.

That was Steve Noyes old position, it's NOT an ET level. When the recruiting process for that backfill began, it absolutely was not an ET level, just ask Tricia.

This is the first example of ET protecting themselves. Or ... it's Jakob throwing a bone. I'll bet on the latter.

I agree. It's the latter.

Folks, AA isn't going anywhere until the last casualty has been buried. He will deliver the bad news then be terminated. New VP comes in with clean slate and message of making NNI a great place again...undo the ills of the past. Just as AA blamed all on Pam, he successor will do the same.

His replacement is going to be an affirmative action hire. There will be a lot of "restoration to greatness" talk shortly there-after.

Book it.

His replacement is going to be an affirmative action hire. There will be a lot of "restoration to greatness" talk shortly there-after.

Book it.

100% agree. Probably a double AA hire.

ANAJ has probably been told already to make "nice nice" through this "optimization" and he gets some heavy walk away with dignity money.

Don't expect anything off script through October.

very good point about the deck chairs and the Titanic.

That was Steve Noyes old position, it's NOT an ET level. When the recruiting process for that backfill began, it absolutely was not an ET level, just ask Tricia.

This is the first example of ET protecting themselves. Or ... it's Jakob throwing a bone. I'll bet on the latter.

hey dumbass poster #11:

The point is not wether it should or should not be an ET level position, but rather it's been posted and both internal and external candidates interviewed for the position and when they did, it was NOT at an ET level.