Next day WebEx w/intenal Dept. of Ethics. Ideas?


I used to work for Merck & have a friend who was notified that he has a next-day WebEx conference w/Merck's Dept of Ethics. He has "no" idea what it's about, his DM said he has no idea what it's about & his overlapping territory partner said he has no idea either. Anybody else have this happen or an insight into most likely reason for such short-notice of a WebEx w/Dept of Ethics? Thanks

I used to work for Merck & have a friend who was notified that he has a next-day WebEx conference w/Merck's Dept of Ethics. He has "no" idea what it's about, his DM said he has no idea what it's about & his overlapping territory partner said he has no idea either. Anybody else have this happen or an insight into most likely reason for such short-notice of a WebEx w/Dept of Ethics? Thanks
It means that he is terminated!

This is just one of the steps leading up to termination. He's likely done nothing wrong; this just implies as much. Merck is on a non-stop train to eliminate employees.

I'd guess your friend is a white male in his 40's and probably has 13-14 years of tenure. It's just more of the same.

I used to work for Merck & have a friend who was notified that he has a next-day WebEx conference w/Merck's Dept of Ethics. He has "no" idea what it's about, his DM said he has no idea what it's about & his overlapping territory partner said he has no idea either. Anybody else have this happen or an insight into most likely reason for such short-notice of a WebEx w/Dept of Ethics? Thanks

I used to work for Merck & have a friend who was notified that he has a next-day WebEx conference w/Merck's Dept of Ethics. He has "no" idea what it's about, his DM said he has no idea what it's about & his overlapping territory partner said he has no idea either. Anybody else have this happen or an insight into most likely reason for such short-notice of a WebEx w/Dept of Ethics? Thanks

"Next-day WebEx". So he must now know what this was about. What happened?