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As I reflect on 2015...

I have been away from LifeVest for over 5 years.

I still reminisce about how I enjoyed my relationships with the accounts, case managers, cardiologists, etc.

After being away from the company for so long I still feel thew sting of a detached home office and a counter-productive culture.  I made good money for a while and I worked long hours.  I did not enjoy the home office leadership but I enjoyed the work in the field.

Every month I wonder if I am in the right position and I reflect on Zoll.  I took the job after a RIF.  I worked for a manager I liked and respected.

But I still resent the culture and upper management.  It is unfortunate that things have not improved.  My life has improved professionally and fiscally since I left.  When days/weeks are bad I remind myself of what bad really looks like.

Thank you Zoll for a great life experience.