New Wound Care Division


Does anyone have any useful insight for the new wound care divison?

Is reimbursement coming?

Realistic year 1,2 expectations?

MM the Manager?

Expenses, PTO, 401 K?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated

Does anyone have any useful insight for the new wound care divison?

Is reimbursement coming?

Realistic year 1,2 expectations?

MM the Manager?

Expenses, PTO, 401 K?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated

....Why are you so desperate for information? your first two questions are not general questions. Quite frankly if I met you in a parking lot, or if I received a random phone call with these questions, I wouldn't just offer up free insight about our division, nor would I fill you in information about really, why should I do it here?

....Why are you so desperate for information? your first two questions are not general questions. Quite frankly if I met you in a parking lot, or if I received a random phone call with these questions, I wouldn't just offer up free insight about our division, nor would I fill you in information about really, why should I do it here?

Desperate for info? This is a sign of a good sales rep. Let me try to help you.

1. Reimbursement is far away. It takes year to get a dedicated Q code, and even once a Q code is issued, it can take up to a year for insurances to recognize it reimburse on a continous manner. This means you will out right be killed as a sales rep if you target non reimbursed settings. Only idiots do that, which is 80% of Acell.

2. Expectations 1-2 years: 50-70K

3. I don't know who MM is

3. No 401K since this company can't afford it, they dropped it. PTO? YES. Expenses are paid. No car allowance.

Desperate for info? This is a sign of a good sales rep. Let me try to help you.

1. Reimbursement is far away. It takes year to get a dedicated Q code, and even once a Q code is issued, it can take up to a year for insurances to recognize it reimburse on a continous manner. This means you will out right be killed as a sales rep if you target non reimbursed settings. Only idiots do that, which is 80% of Acell.

2. Expectations 1-2 years: 50-70K

3. I don't know who MM is

3. No 401K since this company can't afford it, they dropped it. PTO? YES. Expenses are paid. No car allowance.

Full company match on 401K for 2013. don't make up shit and say it in a way to sound credible. If you don't know who MM is then how can you make claims on 1,2 and 3?

Does anyone have any useful insight for the new wound care divison?

Is reimbursement coming?

Realistic year 1,2 expectations?

MM the Manager?

Expenses, PTO, 401 K?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated

Ah, the days of giving away an "XBOX" seemed so legit. Now look at yet another wasted marketing plan.