New West Coast Sheriff

She is Very Corporate. Watch her replace all the managers with Yes girls (Only) She does not like Men that stand up to her. Plus she is a Rah .... Rah Cheerleader. Do not, I repeat do not trust her. She lied to me several times about Commission issues, then hid behind " It is what it is "

Good luck. If I were you, save the headache and get out while you can.

I heard that TB wants weekly reports and many good reps will soon be joining the other team.
She has zero IPA HMO experience and can't see through the fog. Her little yes ma'am drones don't know sh*( either.

That's what happens when you have an egomaniac like TB. She'll try to give corporate her "vision" but what works on the east coast doesn't necessarily work on the west coast. She's in for a big surprise that's for sure. Believe me, our competitors are talking with the good reps. All that's gonna be left are the weak. Unbelievable that corporate would bring a southern belle to this taco state.

They might as well pack up shop in Seattle.
We bought the Mayflower in Seattle North, meanwhile PAML and Cellnetix are working together.

Unless we can buy Eastside and Incyte, please kill us off now.