New VP

If any of this is true, he will fit right in. Contrary to what you may think, a lot of us continue to stay in touch with people who have left here, who know the history here and who know others in this industry, who know peoples history elsewhere. Its a very very small world. You can run, but you can't hide. Shitty behavior attracts the same.

You assign credit to people who weren't even at certain events-while the real workers got nothing, listen to manipulative liars who just need to get their trip in, a promo or a payment on their home, you build up a lot of animosity. You shit on people who treated you the complete opposite, who were there for you and not in a small way, based on nothing more than smack talk from insecure people who want to move up fast, but not earn it, you're going to get hated on. Deservedly so. People hate people who shit on them and refuse to talk to them to get more than one perspective on a situation. Inability to behave like an adult, separate your emotions from reality, is a sure sign, you aren't mature enough or stable enough to be in management. That's why you have turned over more CL's than anyone here and why bad ass things will continue to arrive on your doorstep, because you shit on people, their careers and lives. May your life continue to suck and may you rot in hell.

Lots of assholes here. The level of rotten behavior is well above average. Low life are skilled in wearing false fronts. Sales allows severely twisted people to hide their sick selves and nastiness. Spending most of their time alone, permits deviants lots of time to hone their skills, spin their lies and cut the throat of anyone who comes close to outing them. Watch your back. Trust no one.

Lots of assholes here. The level of rotten behavior is well above average. Low life are skilled in wearing false fronts. Sales allows severely twisted people to hide their sick selves and nastiness. Spending most of their time alone, permits deviants lots of time to hone their skills, spin their lies and cut the throat of anyone who comes close to outing them. Watch your back. Trust no one.

Looks like ML is in the perfect spot! He'll fit right in.

Half the CL's that stay here know what a good gig it is. Accountability is non-existent at best. No samples, which means no signatures which means a lot of "autonomy." Don't get all philosophical and talk about self accountability blah blah..those of you who have been in pharma know the drill...time stamped Ipads and time stamped signatures. So quit whining about the job, appreciate it for what it is and go to work. Now for the real problem...those of you who actually think you are transforming lives and increasing access for patients yeah okay. Patients will find a physician with or without our locator and many physicians will prescribe the cheapest bupe so the patients will continue to have money to pay them.
So all you little LISCW's and LADC's and PHD's get a grip. You sell pharmaceuticals NOT TREATMENT.Oh so sorry I forgot about Here to Help.

ML has been here two months and we haven't heard a word from him. Is he in Richmond? Philly still? The field? I dont know anybody who 's soent any time with him in the field and nobody in Richmond has seen him. Where's Waldo? Nobody seems to be able to find him.

ML has been here two months and we haven't heard a word from him. Is he in Richmond? Philly still? The field? I dont know anybody who 's soent any time with him in the field and nobody in Richmond has seen him. Where's Waldo? Nobody seems to be able to find him.

Hey Skippy.... Just worry about yourself.

ML has been here two months and we haven't heard a word from him. Is he in Richmond? Philly still? The field? I dont know anybody who 's soent any time with him in the field and nobody in Richmond has seen him. Where's Waldo? Nobody seems to be able to find him.

He has been traveling around the country meeting with ABMs and CLs.