New sales rep

You can expect no cell phone, but they will reimburse you $40/month if you submit it on your expense report with a copy of your cell phone bill. You can expect a Ford Escape as your car, or a few other options that change pretty frequently. Oh yeah, and you can also expect to be treated like crap by an idiot manager that never seems pleased with your efforts, even if you're in the top 25% of sales. This company is CRAP now.

You can expect the unexpected, have you read the news about Carl Ichan? You can also expect to be one of the masses who settles into mediocrity, one of the above average reps who earns 6k to 10k per quarter in bonus, or one of the "go getters" who does EVERYTHING they are told, is content being a lackey, and gets promoted quickly. Rock on.

you can epect to be micromanaged to death. you can expect to be called out if you dont sample drop after 3pm. you can expect that your pod mates will act like mini managers and also micro manage you and be able to get away with it (cross functinality and teamwork and all) you can expect that if you voice your opinion that you will be black listed. you can expect that your regional director will be an asshole who will tell you the more people you see the better your chances of success....LOL.....and finally you can expect that after about 18 months you will either be on probation or you will be looking for a job.

you can epect to be micromanaged to death. you can expect to be called out if you dont sample drop after 3pm. you can expect that your pod mates will act like mini managers and also micro manage you and be able to get away with it (cross functinality and teamwork and all) you can expect that if you voice your opinion that you will be black listed. you can expect that your regional director will be an asshole who will tell you the more people you see the better your chances of success....LOL.....and finally you can expect that after about 18 months you will either be on probation or you will be looking for a job.

Pretty dam accurate. Even for cafe pharma this post is spot on. If you are not "sampling" 7-8 times a day with open lap top power on's and first call before 8 and last call after 4pm you will be nano managed out. This is probably the worst company in pharma and I have never met a more backstabbing insecure culture from the "pod members" (which sucks and is so primary care) to the DM's. Glorified trunk puppets and rookies who are in way over their heads, I would safely guess that 95% of all DM's employed by Forest would never even be interviewed let alone hired by a respectable pharma outfit even for a rep position. You have been warned and told the truth. Be smarter than a 4 yr old.

Anyone looking for a job at this joint is either horribly unemployed or is so desperate that they will do anything and take major ass penetration from 22 yr old robots.

This is about as accurate as it gets...embarassing as it seems. Don't worry about building relationships with your customers to help drive business. Unfortunately you won't have time to do that. You will be bullwhipped from the day of hire, asked to fill out useless tracking forms and criticized often, and then eventually be pushed out. If you are looking for a part time job, this is the place for you. If you are looking for a career, please visit the medical device website or find a reputable recruiter who understands that this company is a serious joke. And trust me - they know.