New Recruiter: Ben Dover ?

Whats happening? Gonna layoff high paid reps and hire cheap newbies?

This is been happening for the past year. Most reps in the company for 3-5 years were base salaried around $80-95k. Company forced them out through performance review and hired in less experienced reps for the low ball price of around $60k. It all adds up quick when you keep doing this to more senior reps.

Why are there still some that have been here for 5-10 years? It's because they were already hired at the low ball price. Many of them were hired in around $55k in the early 2000's. Over the past few years they have received meager raises and still barely cost more than any new rep but have better relationships and productivity. It's a no-brainer for B+L...they have effectively lowered the average salary per rep.

Those reps that have been fed up with low salaries have either left or are milking the system by doing something else on the side.

New recruiter will get seasoned reps at the lowest salary to the company as the older ones slowly die out.