New Quotas. How long will it take this time?


Ever wonder why it takes this company so long to come out with quotas? They want to be on a quarterly system, then keep up!!! Accountability goes both ways. Are you incompetent? Lazy? Or, do you want to sit back and see how things are trending for a third of each qtr so you set the quotas where most can't attain them??? My guess is all of the above.


We are eager to know our quota because you have stripped every other avenue to make a dollar at this company away. The quota achievement is paramount.
More importantly it is critical to know your buckets! You can hit your number here and make less than 20k in a quarter. You have to know where to spend your energy from day 1!!!!!
How can you guys up in the cigar lounge not appreciate that?

Oh, because you can sell 30 million in stock this quarter.

You have your comp plan, right? How does knowing your quota change anything. You need to get a union job if you're looking for minimum thresholds to hit!

You're an idiot! Comp plan doesn't mean shit w/o knowing what your quotas are! All a comp plan is an "estimate" of what you can potentially make on an annual basis. You need quotas as soon as possible to strategically plan how you can get to that # in the short 3 months we have.

Don't worry, we will micromanage you to get where we want you to be all while giving you useless feedback that makes as much sense as the idiot strategy last quarter. The art of making a shit quota look attainable is all about timing. That's why it will come out to the sales force in month 2 of the quarter. Don't worry. If you leave, there will be some eager air conditioning sales rep to replace you.

Resorting to name calling only validates my point ("idiot?"). Anyone waiting on quotas to go out and sell has no clue how to succeed in sales. You should go get a 100% commission job- there are no quotas. You sell, you eat. Then you'll appreciate how good you have it... or starve?

Resorting to name calling only validates my point ("idiot?"). Anyone waiting on quotas to go out and sell has no clue how to succeed in sales. You should go get a 100% commission job- there are no quotas. You sell, you eat. Then you'll appreciate how good you have it... or starve?

Exactly, we're in SALES, so we are driven by the dollar! Without quotas, we aren't motivated. The longer a company takes to deliver a quota means they are taking time to see how the company is doing that quarter, and can then screw their reps by elevating quotas to unattainable levels. A quota should be based strictly on a growth % of the individual territory #. Blanket increases are not fair, b/c a well penetrated territory will not grow nearly as much as a territory w/ a Greenfield, or say a new robotic surgeon who transfers to your territory. Yes, you're correct, we should all go out and sell regardless, but the quota is necessary to keep us motivated and on target.

I don't work for Intuitive (just visit the CP threads for entertainment) but gotta agree that any company holding back quota is BS. If it's the rep's responsibility to hit a number, it's the company's responsibility to provide that number in a timely fashion. Not sure why there would be a debate on this.

I don't work for Intuitive (just visit the CP threads for entertainment) but gotta agree that any company holding back quota is BS. If it's the rep's responsibility to hit a number, it's the company's responsibility to provide that number in a timely fashion. Not sure why there would be a debate on this.

Perfectly said!

That's a false argument. No one is "waiting" to release a quota. The quotas get "created" after final numbers are in from the previous quarter. Therefore there is a lag. I'm just glad they take time to ensure accurate fair targets are established.

It's incredibly simple-minded to think some on at Int. is "waiting" to send out quotas.

Ridiculous! We micro manage numbers on a weekly basis throughout the quarter and especially the last week. Everyone knows the final numbers by then. There is no way it takes 3-4wks(sometimes longer) to process final numbers.

One other issue is that I regularly have my Plan and Review prior to the quotas for the next quarter being released. Sure, you can do a PNR without them, but why would you want to?

I've worked here for 6 years as of June. This has been the process for years. It's not that huge of a deal. Growing your case volume is a never ending process. No magic switch is turned on after 90 days.

I admit this company has many faults, all which are self inflicted. There are a ton of A-holes in management. Using terms like "scorched earth" etc. Being a total A-hole and part of the "we will train every living breathing surgeon" was the way to get promoted. I think many of the A-holes would be better managers in different cultures.

At the end of the day we make decent money (if you are good at what you do) many companies are restructuring etc. Like any company you have to deal with shit, I like my teammates, my manager is not a overboard A-hole and I pocked some decent coin.